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Jason Pankiewicz

Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

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USB works 100% good on my BP6 and win2k Pro build 2091

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With my SuperMicro P6DBS, USB worked with 2031, 2072 and 2099 right away. Make sure you have USB enabled in the BIOS, and you've got the latest BIOS revision for your mobo.


You could also give us a little more info, like what mobo, BIOS revision, USB devices, and NT build you're actually using...otherwise you might just get people saying "well, it works for me"

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OK, dude. The only info you *didn't* get is my bios version and usb devices. What exactly does my bios version have to do with anything, my usb works in 98. About the devices, why exactly does that matter...if I have nothing plugged in it at all, the controller is still not going to work.




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I have the BP6 with build 2072. It works perfectly with the two devices I have (Gravis Gamepad PRO and Microsoft Sidewinder PRO). It came up all by itself once I enabled the IRQ for USB in the BIOS. It also works just fine with Windows 98. As far as suggestions for how to fix yours, I have none. I am just lettng you know that other people have no trouble with theirs.

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>The only info you *didn't* get is my bios version and usb devices.


Dude, we don't know your mobo! We're also not _sure_ about the NT version!


Get a grip, and help us to help you!

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I have the BP6 and after enabling the USB IRQ in the BIOS the USB worked fine for me. It *DOES* work in 98 without the IRQ enabled, but it *DOES NOT* work in 2000 with the IRQ disabled.

The USB device I was using is a logitech mouse, however.




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Morto, that very well may be the problem. I will check as soon as I get home from work tonight. But that is not something I have checked. Appreciate your help.




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I have the exact same prob, I have an Abit BP6 and am using the same version of Win2000, I have enabled the IRQ in the Bios like everyone suggested but it doesn't help, 2000 says it needs to free resources can anyone give me some help on this ????. (btw i'am not using any HPT66 hdd's)

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Same problem here. IRQ for the USB enabled but my Win2k build 2072 just can't see the beos on my BP6. I get the following message:

"Your computer's system firmware does not include enough information to properly configure and use this device. To use this device, contact your computer manufacturer and to obtain a firmware or BIOS update. (Code 35)"

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This problem happened to me recently after a system crash - (the problem about not enough information.....). All I did was uninstall the device and W2k reinstalled it on reboot and it worked fine.


You may also want to check your IRQ usage - w2k does some weird **** with the IRQs (I had USB, MX300 and NIC all sharing IRQ 10).



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I have since found out that there is no fix for this problem as we need a new driver from Abit for the USB to work on Win2k, for everyone else that says it works for them I think they must be joking or they have versions later then my 2031 Beta 3 and have different drivers for it (which I highly doubt).

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All I can say is that it works for me in BOTH 2031 and 2114. The only difference from an "out-of-the-box" BP6 and mine is that I've upgraded the BIOS to the newer version that (supposedly) supports ATA66. (The BIOS is available from firingsquad.)



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try setting mps to 1.1 and I bet you anything it will work. The only problem is i think mps 1.4 is better than 1.1. At least thats what the intel site says. All you guys that ahve it working from the start probably have mps set to 1.1 .if anyone has it working with mps set to 1.4 then were not worthy. But please lemme know how you did it..

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I faound a way to make the USB controller work:

disable PNP OS support and asssign a IRQ to the USB controller in BIOS. worked for me

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You all are forgetting one very crucial bit of information, and that is whether or not you are using Win2K and the BP6 in a dual or single configuration. I have never seen the USB work with SMP enabled. It does work if you are running in a uniprocessor setup. If you have the dual CPU/USB combination working, please detail your system configuration further.

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I have build 2128, BP6 with dual celeron 550s and no problems to speak of. So maybe the later builds will fix your problem.


[This message has been edited by Hugo (edited September 19, 1999).]

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I have dual celerons and i have seen usb work with mps set to 1 but I will try setting the pnp os to no.


Bp6 with dual cely 550

256 megs ram

win2k prof.

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My system:


BP6 with dual CPUs @ 525

SB Live

128 meg RAM

Sidewinder Precision Pro USB

Gravis Gamepad Pro USB


Windows 2000 RC1 build 2072


USB seems to work fine. My only complaint is with the Gravis Gamepad. In both Win98 and Win2K it is my only choice of controllers that works in an actual game if both controllers are plugged in. They both show up in Control Panel but only the Gamepad actually works in a game. Problem resolved if I unplug the gamepad and only use the Sidewinder. Ed

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Oh, I forgot to indicate that the only workaround I've seen is to set MPS 1.1 instead of 1.4 in the BIOS. Supposedly the reason is that there is an entry in the 1.1 table for the USB controller that is missing from the 1.4 table. I'm not sure if that is correct, but it sounds plausible. At any rate, if you have MPS 1.4 and SMP and USB working...that I have not seen. =)

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Finally someone answered what I wanted to hear. Everyone is posting oh i have usb working, I ask what is you mps setting on, oh usb works, why are you asking something dumb like that, my usb works. anyway I new it was mps 1.4. Do you think a bios update would fix that?

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What is the difference between 1.4 and 1.1,

i.e. why is 1.4 better?




[This message has been edited by Hugo (edited September 23, 1999).]

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it is an intel specification for dual processors if you go to intels site theyll tell you the difference. It has something to do with the pci bus. Some new features that 1.4 supports that 1.1 doesnt..

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