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Hardware Firewalls

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The company I am working for is looking to secure our internet connection a bit more than it is currently. Right now, we have 1 dsl line coming in, and that goes to a proxy server (which offers some security options), but there are a few power users that we have that have static IP's (from our DSL account) so those people are not under the proxy, thus a bit more vulnerable. So, the company is thinking about hardware firewalls, to help protect everything that is coming in off the dsl line. After some research, I notice that Watchguard's Firebox II seems to be the only one that is listed in catalogs.


Has anyone had expeirnece in the subject before? Im intersted in hearing any suggestions. Thanks for the help..



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ive only worked with watchguard 1 and firewall 1 (which is the most commonly used fw out there) and both work fine..if your on a budget try fw:ing with a linux box..ill even help ya if ya give me a root shell =)

ps. on phoneboy.com theres a lotta info on fw1


[This message has been edited by nagual (edited 16 August 2000).]

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thanks for the response. Im not totally sure about a linux box. Im not very Unix knowledgable. The budget isnt too small, they understand it can cost up to 10g for something kinda nice.


To set up a linux box, what all are we talking about? Do I have to buy specific software, on top of the cost of the computer. Truth be it, the server room is quite clutterd with servers as of now. Anyway, on a scale, how much time will it take to set up a linux box for someone who has done very little with linux? If its easy as setting up a proxy server, than it should be no problem. But if its trickier than setting up an exchange email server, then it might be worth the extra money for the watchguard.


thanks again for replying,


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