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MPEG-1 Files run like crap

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Whenever I try to play MPEG-1 videos, my system plays them very horribly...the video is jerky, and the sound is very slow (voices sound really deep, and cant understand anything).

Is there anything I can do to fix it??

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Do you have Creative DVD Encore Drx3 decoder card in there? If you do, there is a registry entry that you need to delete. I forget what it is. I think you need to to a search for drx3. Don't quote me. I'm sure someone else knows for sure.



"I've got thirteen channels of $hit on the T.V. to choose from." - Pink Floyd

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If I remember correctly, I just searched the term "dxr3" without quotes and deleted the first thread it was in. Remember to back up your reg. before you do it. Hope this helps. In fact, I'm 98% sure. If it doesn't work and it f*cked up the compter (I don't think it could), restore the old reg. file or reinstall the drivers and app. Hope this helps.



"I've got thirteen channels of $hit on the T.V. to choose from." - Pink Floyd

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