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Tim Bazzinett

"A kernel file is missing from the disk...." messa

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Anyone know of a good fix for this? I have tried all of the support.Microsoft.com solutions and they do not work. Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions. BTW, I will not be able to format. ALL data on the drive has to be intact. This is a web server for a large commercial business.

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boot off the win2k cd and run the install again. Follow these exact steps:


Press 'enter' when prompted to continue (not repair yet!)


Press 'F8' to agree to license agreement


Now it should find your existing installation, and now you can choose 'R' to repair it


This will keep all of your programs and the registry intact. If you updated any drivers before, you will have to do them again, and you will probably also need to get the critical updates again. Minimal loss and a refreshed OS smile....

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