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NV7.0 Mcaffe 4.5

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Hi !


Which program is recommend Norton Antivirus 7.0 WS or MCaffe 4.5 ...


I have installed McAffe 4.5 but it seem that it can not check E-Mails from Outlook Express (option is there but not active)


What do you think ???





win2k build 2195


bios revision 1.12

2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS

128 ram

TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16

Adaptec 29160

SB Live Value

Realtek ethernet PCI

Teles ISDN 16.3

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I posted a message about this earlier in the week.

Don't touch McAfee 4.5 yet.

There is a major bug in it, you will experience a massive performance hit under WIn2k.

I have spoken to Network Associates about this, they tell me the developers are working on a fix.

When I say performance hit, I mean things like, right-click desktop, wait 30-45 seconds for display properties to appear that kind of thing.

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overall best: inoculateIT http://antivirus.cai.com/


check it out and you won't be disappointed!


- i' ve tried them all

- inonculateIT checks e-mail

- updates every 3 days

- it's FREE!

- no, i don't work for that company

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it also takes 5 minutes to initialize (i.e. grind the drives) during bootup...free always comes with a price. I am using NAV2000 and most happy.



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I have to agree. Mcaffee TVD is absolute rubbish on Windows 2000.


They released 4.5 a short while ago as their Windows 2000 anti-virus software, and I foolishly installed it.


Everything more or less stopped. I have since wiped my PC and installed NAV2000, and it's a far better application.


Everything works as it should, and updates are regular.

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