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Decent win2k drivers for TNT2

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I want to be able to run OpenGL in win2k, but to keep "desktop stability"

cos when i use 5.32 detonators (best for TNT2's) win2k crashes a lot, so im on 7.17 atm, as theyre reliable, but dont do OpenGL.


Funny thing is, quake3 runs fast as hell with these, but no other OpenGL apps do....


Any ideas/comments/suggestions are welcome, thanks.




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Hi, I use the 6.49 Det 3 drivers as all the rest have problems, Unreal runs in openGL mode just fine:- 6.50 cause BOSD's & stop codes on a TNT2. 6.72 won't restore from hibernate correctly. I have read that there isn't any point in using any drivers later than 6.49 anyway as the increases only amount to a few fps's.


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I and all of my Win2K/nvidia friends use the 6.47 Detonators - we have no problems at all under Win2K, our cards range from TNT2 Pro's to GeForce2 Pro's etc.


I too have noticed many little 'strange' things using newer drivers. I'm waiting for 'official' 7.xx or 8.xx drivers b4 I make the switch.

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Argh smirk


I downloaded and installed 6.47, but i started getting Physical memory dumps (again), in nv_disp.dll


So i've gone back to 7.17 - i dont NEED OpenGL in win2k, as im dual booting with GameOS GE, but it helps.


NOTE: Good thing about 7.17 is really good divx performance, and quake3 is superfast also.



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I use the latest drivers from www.creative.com with my card.(Riva TNT2 Ultra) Runs GREAT...Quake 3, Unreal, Falcon 4.0. [AND this is on Windows 2000 Server]


Excellent Frame rate.. smooth...

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I've heard a lot about these 10.80's


but are they any good for my TNT2 M64 ?


remember, i NEED nv_disp.dll to NEVER crash

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Well, just try some different ones out.

Go to http://www.the-ctrl-alt-del.com and look under drivers. They have an extensive list of Dets. including a lot of betas, and official nVidia releases. Try that out, and hopefully you'll find the right one for you.

nVidia has very good drivers, unlike some Canadian video card company I know of...(no offense to Canadians).

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