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Hosting an Unreal Tournament server stops working after a wh

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This is very distressing to me. I want to host my own 24/7 FACE CTF UT server. When I put the server up as dedicated, it works initially. I join the game by running another copy of UT. Play for a while. And randomly, my LAN connection would just drop. The first indication is that every player drops off my server. I exit the game, going back to Win2k. But I find myself unable to access my LAN connection! I can't browse, check my email or do anything that needs my connection! It is as if the lan cable is pulled out of my ethernet card. The only way to fix my Lan connection is to reboot my computer. I don't know what is causing it, because I don't have any trouble with my lan connection with anything else. I imagine it must be Unreal Tournament thats causing the problem. Someone please give me some suggestions!




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