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IntelliMouse Explorer scrolls on it's own.

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I'm not sure if this is exactly a hardware problem, or a software problem, but it tweaks me off just the same.


I've been using a $10 Compaq branded Logitech MouseMan [4-buttons] for a long time now, and on occasion, it will continue to scroll, even after I release the middle button in I.E. I haven't noticed this in any other apps.


Now, I had always attributed this to my mouse being rebranded by Compaq, and something getting fscked in the process. But, I purchased a MS IntelliMouse Explorer yesterday, and today, I'm getting the same 'scroll-until-it-feels-like-stopping' effect with this mouse.


Anyone have any ideas what the hell is going on?


This is the '"33% faster", 2000 samples/sec.' one, on the PS/2 port [uSB isn't working for some reason - will work on that later], with IntelliPoint 3.2 drivers from the included disk. Win2K Pro [had server on w/ same problems w/ Logitech], Soyo 7VCA.



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Download DirectX8 Control Panel from The- Ctrl-Alt-Del site and remove debug modes. Update Graphics Adapter to the latest driver.


If the problem persists, give us specifics on harware and software (specially graphics).

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OK, trying the Ctr-Alt-Del stuff now.


For reference, my system includes:

PIII 500E@700 [140FSB] on the 7VCA;

258MB RAM [128xPC100 & 128xPC133]

StealthIII S540 [with latests drivers, damn S3];

using the onboard sound [Acoustic Edge is on the way];

IE 5.5, SP1;

um.. what else would be relevant...

Adaptec SCSI, Office 2K, tons of other apps.



The entire specs can be found here.


[This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 06 March 2001).]

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Some tips about mouse problems.


A) Average pointer speed recovers accuracy:




B) Choice of the 3Dmouse pointer 3Dgarro.cur prevents a second mouse cursor in 3D games.


C) Disable Pointer shadow, Mouse trails and Snap to. They are knowen to create problems.


D) Run regedit and first export a copy of the complete registry.


Check if you find "Lkbdflt2" on the line:



UpperFilters:REG_MULTI_SZ: kbdclass


Check if you find Lmouflt2 on the line:



UpperFilters:REG_MULTI_SZ: mouclass


Those two drivers are Logitech software filter drivers and should not be there. Do nothing now that would not solve anything.


Check if you find "IPFilter.sys" on the line:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt] "UpperFilters"="System32\\Drivers\\IPFilter.sys"


Check if this file is present in the folder C:\WINNT\system32\drivers


Finally check if the following line is in the registry:




Those are the Intellipoint drivers.

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