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app4mac releases SecretBox 2 for Mac OS X/iPhone and iPod touch

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app4mac releases SecretBox 2 for Mac OS X/iPhone and iPod touch - Published on 10/26/09




California based app4mac today released SecretBox 2 for Mac OS X, iPhone and iPod touch. SecretBox allows you to keep your secrets in a safe place. It uses the industry standard 256-bit AES encryption to protect your data. The new version bring a new user interface, a major rewrite of the code, an improved security and more options for import/export. Most people will use SecretBox for personal use, but businesses can also use SecretBox for managing software licenses.


San Jose, California - app4mac has just released SecretBox 2 for Mac OS X, iPhone and iPod touch devices. SecretBox allows you to keep your secrets in a safe place. The new version bring a new user interface, an improved security and more options for import/export.


New in the Mac version:

* 60% of the code rewritten for a better performance and security

* Updated user interface

* Better sync with the iPhone and iPod touch version

* New icons for groups/secrets at 64x64 pixels

* Improved stability

* Improved import of RapidoSerial documents

* Improved support of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

* Improved search function

* Improved support of web browsers

* New export formats: text and csv


New in the iPhone and iPod touch version:

* New user interface

* New ability to export a database to a Mac

* Better notes management

* Improved security


About SecretBox

You can use SecretBox to store all sorts of information : Credit Card details, SSN numbers, Software Licenses, e-mail account details, product registration codes and serial numbers. All are easily stored in SecretBox's flexible database. Most people will use SecretBox for personal use, but businesses can also use SecretBox for managing their customers passwords or for managing software licenses.


SecretBox uses the industry standard 256-bit AES encryption to protect your data, but that is just the start. SecretBox takes extra care to never decrypt your information unless absolutely necessary. Simple tools encrypt the entire data file in one operation and therefore have to decrypt everything to view just one item. We go to great lengths to protect your data from all sorts of attacks. Strong security does not have to be inconvenient. SecretBox puts you in control of how you want to organise your data. With unlimited groups and subgroups you can easily organise your secrets in a way that makes sense to you.


System Requirements:

* SecretBox for Mac OS X requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard


Pricing and Availability:

The Mac OS X version and the iPhone/ iPod touch version are available today. SecretBox costs 29 Euros for a lifetime license but any customer can save 30% until end of October with a special halloween promotion. Enter the coupon code HALLOWEEN during checkout.


Websiteapp4mac: http://www.app4mac.com

SecretBox 2: http://www.app4mac.com/secretbox.html

SecretBox 2 for iPhone: http://www.app4touch.com/apps/#secretbox-1-1

Application Icon: http://www.app4mac.com/SecretBox2.png

Screenshot Mac OS X: http://www.app4mac.com/screen3.jpg

Screenshot iPhone: http://www.app4mac.com/secretbox0.jpg



app4mac is a company created in 2001 with the goal of providing innovative applications for Mac OS X. We take great pleasure building Mac products. We are committed to creating quality software that will make the Mac even more user-friendly. Copyright 2001-2009 app4mac. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Elena Mabanta

Sales Manager



sales ( -at -) app4mac.com









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