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REVIEW: Xpenser @ BusinessComputingWorld

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Hi there,




We've just posted a new review and would love it if you linked to it. Thanks





"Xpenser is a unique application in the expenses ecosystem. It's is a

refreshing application which is targeted at the tech savvy,

Blackberry-toting busy bee who never seems to remember what he spends and

finally lands up paying for something for which someone else was supposed to

foot the bill. For those of us who feel like we are doing a lot of spending

this program could be a huge help. A lot of times we make a lot of little

payments here and there and don't see them adding up. Xpenser will

demonstrate exactly how we are spending our money and hopefully lead us to a

budgeting solution. If you're the sort of person that can't be bothered with

a full-blown accounting system but needs to keep a tab on expenses in real

time, Xpenser is an innovative solution."











Christian Harris






<http://www.twitter.com/christianharris> Twitter: ( -at -) christianharris


LinkedIn: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/christianrharris> christianrharris


Skype: christianrharris





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