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Galaxy GeForce GT 220 1GB Video Card

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NEW CONTENT (Video Cards) - Galaxy GeForce GT 220 1GB Video Card


QUOTE: "From a regular gamer’s perspective, NVIDIA’s GeForce GT 220 GPU probably isn't really a video card you would buy. The chances are this is the kind of video card that's sitting inside your work PC, assuming it doesn't use onboard video. Does this make it a bad model, though? No, it's just aimed at a different segment. If you're looking for something that's going to pack a bit more punch than an onboard video solution, this is what you would buy - it's going to be perfect for those older games at those lower resolutions.


Galaxy’s take on the new GPU is pretty standard - the cooler while being a little on the loud side does a good job of keeping the card cool. We also did see that World in Conflict was able to achieve a 30 FPS minimum, which means other games like Company of Heroes based off the same engine are going to be able run at the same numbers, which we consider playable."


For more information, please visit - http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/2962/galaxy_geforce_gt_220_1gb_video_card/index.html



Best Regards,


The TweakTown Team





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