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Abit KT7-Raid problems...

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Ok, I just hooked up a deal for a Abit-KT7a Raid board and a 1ghz T-bird for 299 the other day. Now, im quite computer savvy, but this is my first AMD since the days of the K2's. My question is this... I have installed Win2k server fine. I did all the Microsoft Updates from the web including :SP1, all critical updates, IE 5.5 ect... Now, when I run the system, everything runs very stable. and realatively fast. Now, the first thing I did was go to AMD's website and downloaded the AGP fix. When I ran it, and rebooted my system froze. I wasnt able to boot safe, so I had to repair the installation. Once I repaired it, went to www.viahardware.com and downloaded the 4-in-1 patch. Installed that, and it froze again. So I reformatted, reinstalled Win2k Server, and installed Q3a so I could benchmark. When I look at the video driver, it is showing me Im using PCI for the video subsystem. SO it tells me that Im not using AGP. So, I installed the 4in1 patch again, and it freezes again. My question to you guys is there a certain order I should do this in? Is there times when you just shouldnt use the 4-in-1 patch? Iam also having problems with my SB live not playing anything (which may have to do with the posistion of my cards) and I have not installed the latest SBLive Driver (from creative's site). Anyone can help me out?! Id be stoked... thanks for your time.



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When I install the VIA 4in1 drivers I never install : bus master ultra ATA driver

I did that once and my computer totally ****ed up.

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1. Install Windows 2000...

2. Install VIA 4-in-1 4.25 drivers, or newer...

3. Install all your other drivers exept the ones for your graphic card...

4. Install Service Pack 1...

5. Install DirectX 8.0...

6. Install Detonator 6.47...

7. Install VIA AGP Hotfix...

8. Install largePageMinimum reg-fix...

9. Install the coolbits reg-hack and disable FSAA and V-SYNC...

10. Make sure that your AGP port is activated, if it isn´t then install the VIA AGP 4x fix and make sure that the AGP aparture is at least 64MB...

11. Install all the other stuff like 3DMark2000 and such...

12. Defrag your boot partition... Not neccessary though...


If you get very low performance then repeat the whole installation procedure, but this time press F5 like a maniac in the beginning of the DOS look-alike setup and a menu will appear where it says that Windows 2000 couldn´t detect what type of computer you have or that you want to select it manually... Just select "Standard PC", which will disable ACPI for Windows 2000...


I was having probs with via ide busmaster drivers too, it would keep detecting an unknown hardware.. and would not go away!! but right now i have got it installed and it seems to be working although my sandra hard drive score is 9952 which is very low!! and im trying to figure this out! ..to be continued..




Abit KT7A-R,Duron650@910,128PC150,DeskStar 20gb, GeForce2GTS,SBLive X-gamer, Acer 10x8x32, Whistler

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