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Voodoo5 Vs. Geforce2 Ultra

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from hardocp.com

"Glide Underground and about 20 other people are all reporting that since 3dfx is "licensing its 4way SLI technology" to Quantum, that they have cancelled the V5-6000. The wording is a little off, but it can also be read that 3dfx licensed the tech to Quantum and QUANTUM'S boards aren't going to be retail...."


I knew it smile ;(

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Well this actually kinda sucked... 3DFX called it quits today for thier video line.musta read this board hehe.. Oh well time to start picking on ATI. And we always have that AMD vs INTEL Holy war smile

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Wrong sapiens26 3dfx didn't quits read all thur the Press Releases.http://www.3dfx.com/comp/news/rel-15nov.html

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I meant they wont be manufacturing thier boards....going back to what they used to do ...but i was a bit confused.... other sites have posted that they had quit the video business outright..

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Who cares if they stop manufacturing their boards. You will still be able to buy video cards with 3dfx chips in it. So, ummm, kinda like that company that everyone on this board apparently loves.. NVIDIA! Maybe you will start seeing asus boards with 3dfx chips, or maybe CL....that would be cool. But, anyway, its not that big of a deal. Although, that is very disappointing about the V5 6000. I was looking forward to that card.

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Why would anyone be intersted in the v5-6000? The card is a total hack. I usually never particpate in these discussions, but come on. The card is HUGE. It wont fit in some cases due to its size, not to mention th external power it had to draw from. SLI was a cool idea with the Voodoo 2's, I agree. And I think its a pretty cool idea to put 2 on 1 card (ie the v5000), but when you are adding 4 of 1 chip, its just plain unefficent. Ill be intersted to see the rampage, but its gonna get beat by NV20.


As far as 3dfx licensing their tech to other companies to fab like Nvidia does, well, 3dfx 2 years ago did the same thing. All the Voodoo 2's were made by 3rd parties. So, they bought STB so they could produce their boards themselves and after a year and a half they decide to give up on production. They killed STB, wasted a lot of money, and put them behind in the video card race. Their only saving grace is the Rampage. But Nvidia is kinda like Microsoft, they are winning each quarter with new products and high performace. 3dfx is loosing money and fan support. Nvidia has more money and momentum in R&D, and 3dfx has further to go to catch up. Rampage better be good if they want their spot on top, its not impossible, but it dosnt look good.



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I agree but i think 3dfx has put out so many good products and if it werent for them Nvidia wouldnt be here today.. I don't wish them to put out better chips than Nvidia..but at least some competition...I remember that AMD was a joke when comparing it with INTEL chips..but now they are spoken in the same sentence..as equals..I want that of 3dfx .. I think competition is good..good for business and the industry as a whole..we need more innnovators...not monopoloy's..I hope they get their act together and make the best chipsets they can make..they have just lost thier way..Like Intel..doesnt mean they wont come back and take the industry by storm...I hope for the industry they stay in the battle and fight...maybe one day to be on top again..or at least make a contest of it smile

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you know i just got done making that post..so i turned the tele on and first thing i see is that really Gay P3 commercial...sorry people but that is pretty damn annoying..I was trying to complement INTEL in my twisted way hoping they will step up to the plate and be champions like i know they are...and i see that commercial..well it was funny ...at least to me anyhow smile

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" just up the res and so FSAA doesn't matter. i think not, even if you put the to 1600X1200 1024X768@4xFSAA, looks a hell of alot better, think i would even prefer 1024x768@2xFSAA. "


Funny considering I highly doubt he can run anything well in 1600 x 1200 with a 3dfx chip...



System Specs:

MSI 694D Pro-A Mobo

Dual Gighz pentium III's

320 meg pc 133 sdram

30 Gig Maxtor Ata-100

Geforce 2 GTS

DVD w/ Decoder Card

Sblive etc etc...

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