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Changing the Game - A Brief History of CPU's @ TechwareLabs

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TechwareLabs has published an Editorial titled Changing the Game - A Brief History of CPU's. Here's a clip from the review:


Quote: The history of the modern day CPU is one that we tend to overlook. We now want 2, 4 and even 8 cores for our desktops. Join Tom Gowing as TechwareLabs gives you a brief History of the CPU and what we have to look forward to.


LINK: http://www.techwarelabs.com/changing-the-game-a-brief-history-of-cpus/


Title: Changing the Game - A Brief History of CPU's ( -at -) TechwareLabs


Image: http://www.techwarelabs.com/wp-content/gallery/front-page-thumbnails/cpu-architecture.jpg


A news post would be greatly appreciated!



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