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Occasionally, only in Win2k, my cdrom drive just freezes the computer, while my computer is reading from it, the computer just freezes, and the only way to restart it is to unplug it physically. My computer doesnt respond to anything, including numlock/capslock. I have the latest BIOS update, and the latest drivers for everything. Any ideas?

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When that happened to me, it was because the CD-ROM drive was dying. Test with another drive (using the same CDs that you get the lockups with would be beneficial) and see how that goes. You might also want to check your cables.






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I have had similiar experiences, even with brand new CDRom drives. What it seems to be is a slight incompatibility with some VIA Chipsets (in the case i had, an old MVP3 chipset). It would do this if I turned on DMA and the CDRom was not actually a DMA compatible drive.. Turn off DMA, might help!

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Hmm... this was happening earlier, after I clean installed win2k, It worked fine in NT4. It stopped freezing up around after I got SP1 for win 2k, so I figured that probably fixed it. I recently had to reinstall win2k again after I got a new hard drive. During this installation I had to flash my bios, and recently during a cd intensive program, it just froze. I cant find anything on either microsoft or toshibas site. This happens w and w/o DMA on. I'll have to screw with it more, hopefully I wont have to buy a new cdrom.

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Is it a CT 48x, cos we have had to replace quite a number of those for exactly the same problem....


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did u happen to have a Creative 48x cd-rom?(does CT=creative)


if u did, i would like you to know that you are in possession of the worst CD-Rom ever made. smile i had one at one point. so did... hold on, let me count... 3 no wait, 4 other people i know. and guess what. they all broke. every single one of them. hehehe. mine was the longest one that worked. it worked for about 9 months. the last 3 or 4 months i had to pry it open with a knife. hehehehe. it still read the disc, but the gears in it went to **** or something. eventually it started to do the same thing u did. at first it seemed it was just with CD-Rs or something. i thought maybe it was because they were bad brand or something but it eventually did it with everything. i pitched it and got a "I/O Magic" 48x for cheap and it works better than that CL drive ever did.


[This message has been edited by tristan777 (edited 04 November 2000).]

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its actually a DVD-ROM, Toshiba - SD-M1212. Toshiba tells me to upgrade my bios which I did. I'm not sure if its a hardware problem or a software problem... I just dunno.

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well if it only happens in win2k i would guess it's prolly a software problem.


are u dual booting 9x and 2k? or do u just not remember it doing it in 9x? because if that's the case, the cd-rom could have broken since u last had 9x on ur system... just a thought...

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tristan777 i find that surprising because i have a creative 48x cd rom (non infra) and i've had it for over a year i have never had a single problem with it

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