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Edouard shows its face with first public version beta 3

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Edouard shows its face with first public version beta 3 - Published on 05/27/09




Flying Pig announces today Edouard's first public version Beta 3. After years of working side by side with small and medium businesses, Flying Pig engineers have released this beta version allowing anyone to check out Edouard user interface and features. Edouard is a ERP-Like solution dedicated to companies worried about maximizing their resources productivity. Rethought from the beginning, Edouard is a back to the basic in how a software should help you in managing your business, and more.


Paris, France - Flying Pig announces today Edouard's first public version Beta 3. After years of work side by side with small and medium businesses, Flying Pig engineers have released this beta version allowing anyone to check out Edouard user interface and features. Edouard is a ERP-Like solution dedicated to companies worried about maximizing their resources productivity. Rethought from the beginning, Edouard is a back to the basic in how a software should help you in managing your business, focusing on optimization in processes and minimizing the human intervention.


Edouard supports standard business needs such as :

* Stocks

* Contacts

* Purchases

* Sales

* Productions

* Statistics

* Accountancy

* Along with some other modules like templates and memos and todos


Based on a Client-Server architectures, Edouard uses PostgreSQL database and Objective-C 2.0 Cocoa, making it a complete Mac OS X Leopard native universal binary application.


Minimum requirements are:

Clients software:

* Any Mac G5

* 1GB of RAM

* 50MB of hard drive space.

* Mac OS X 10.5.4


Server software:

* Any Mac G5

* 2GB of RAM

* 1GB of hard drive space

* Mac OS X 10.5.4 (server version is a strong bonus)


This release is available through our extended beta program which any small and medium businesses can submit to and if eligible, get a preview of Edouard, and more. If you would like to know more about the beta program, feel free to contact us.


Flying Pig engineers will be at Apple's WWDC, in San Francisco, California, from june 8th until june 12th 2009. It will be a good opportunity to meet, see Edouard running and talk about it. To schedule a meeting at WWDC, feel free to contact us.


As for the Edouard 1.0 version, we are unable to provide a pricing range and a final release date. We had in the past trouble with timing and had to postpone release to fit our quality expectations. We want it to be the best youngest main release Edouard could be. To find out more about Edouard, feel free to check the online product page available at Flying Pig website.


Flying Pig: http://www.flyingpig.fr

Edouard: http://www.flyingpig.fr/EN/edouard.php



Flying Pig is a French company started in 2007, dedicated to create exceptionally efficient and inovative computer-based business solutions. Founded by highly talented engineer Christophe Dupont and Arnaud Thiercelin, Flying Pig is one of the arms of the Thiercelin Group established in 1809. Copyright 2009 Flying Pig. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Arnaud Thiercelin


+33 1 42 68 15 42


press ( -at -) flyingpig.fr


WWDC Contact infos

contact ( -at -) flyingpig.fr










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