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Overcloking prob with win2k

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Hi. I am trying to overclock my win2k system to something well within the limits of my hardware. I am simply clocking my 700e, to 800, which is totaly possible. I boot windows just fine, but when i try to use a processor intesive application, like quake, windows will crash into a blue screen of death and read "MACHINE_EXCEPTION_CHECK" or something like that. IT doesnt really give me enough time to read it. Is there anything i can do to avoid this? Can win2k and overclocked mobo live in harmony?






asus cusl2 (i815)

ultra160 (thought i'd throw that in)

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I would like to know the answer myself. I have a 800 cumine that will easily boot into advanced server or pro at 896. it will stay stable until running say MCM2 which is very graphics intensive at 1600x1200. once the race starts up I have about 15 seconds then the sound card stutters and the entire computer locks up.


I don't get a BSOD but I can't get to task manager and shut the process down either = a hard or soft reset.


I don't really want to run o/c'd, because the server is my domain controller, but I was curious about why the lockup happens. I've been able to post the processor at just under a gig, but the kernel won't even load from there, so running full speed at 900 mhz should be possible, shouldn't it?

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Originally posted by Ronin:
Just stop overclocking and things will work fine.

Why would you even bother to post that? That has nothing to do with our question. Does anyone want to post a legitimate answer pertaining to the questions?

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Sounds like a pretty legitimate answer to me. About as legitimate as you can get. wink.gif


Seriously try underclocking and try it.



"I boot windows just fine, but when i try to use a processor intesive application"


Classic symptom of overclocking.

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I have plenty of friends with win98 who dont get any probs at all. This is obviously something in win2k aritechture that isnt letting me do this....i want a work around, or at least just a verification that i cant do this in win2k..



Originally posted by DosFreak:

Sounds like a pretty legitimate answer to me. About as legitimate as you can get. wink.gif


Seriously try underclocking and try it.



"I boot windows just fine, but when i try to use a processor intesive application"


Classic symptom of overclocking.

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"I have plenty of friends with win98 who dont get any probs at all."


"This is obviously something in win2k aritechture that isnt letting me do this"


Yes, there is. NT is based on stability. 9x is just 9x. It's there.


1. NT is more memory intesive than 9x.

2. NT is more processor intesive than 9x.

3. NT requires more stable drivers than 9x.


"I am simply clocking my 700e, to 800"


You imply that overclocking is "simple". Yes the function of overclocking is simple. Change one bios option and away we go and 9x boots rights up and games happily. All the while errors creep up where you don't even notice them. NT does.

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Wow!!! for once someone backed me up. I've had lots of luck with overclocking. But when thing lock up and you have problems it's always best to put the orginal seetings back in place and see if you are still have problems. If that don't help then you need to look at what other things may be causing your problems. Why overclock a 700 anyways there can't be that much advantage in doing so.


Have you tried going back to original settings?



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Yes of course i put back my original settings and yes it works fine. My problem isnt with my default settings, its with my overclocked settings and i want to know how i can over come them...It seems that my only solution is using win98...am i correct? Or will someone give me another indefinite answer




Originally posted by Ronin:

Wow!!! for once someone backed me up. I've had lots of luck with overclocking. But when thing lock up and you have problems it's always best to put the orginal seetings back in place and see if you are still have problems. If that don't help then you need to look at what other things may be causing your problems. Why overclock a 700 anyways there can't be that much advantage in doing so.


Have you tried going back to original settings?



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You could try slowing things down. Memory and such to pinpoint the exact problem. I would recommend slowing everything down in the bios, overclocking the processor and then run one of the processor testing progs from www.tweakfiles.com or run a looping timedemo.

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You want an answer???




Damn why is it so important that you overclock?? So you can gain 5 Fps in Q3?


Just leave things alone if they are working. The old saying goes, "If it aint broke don't fix it" Let's talk about something else.


Someone needs to start a football thread. Ya let's talk about sports, because these stupid questions are killing me.



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Yes, I've improved cooling, but havent changed the voltage...would this be nesseary?


Originally posted by Xiven:

I assume you have tried raising the voltage and improving the cooling.

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No to what, you idiot. If you are not going to resolve my original problem posted in my orinal thread, then you dont need to reply.


Anyway, what i've come to conclude, from bits an pieces of other answers, is that to overclock succesfully, i need win98. So fine. I will install win98 on a seperate partition.


Right now my FSB and Memory is running at about 114mhz which is fine for my memory, as it is 133mhz. I improved cooling tremendouly, but I havent played with the voltage yet. Would it be nessecary to do so? Will this increas stablility in win2k?


Originally posted by Ronin:



You want an answer???




Damn why is it so important that you overclock?? So you can gain 5 Fps in Q3?


Just leave things alone if they are working. The old saying goes, "If it aint broke don't fix it" Let's talk about something else.


Someone needs to start a football thread. Ya let's talk about sports, because these stupid questions are killing me.



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From 700 to 800? Yes, Improve voltage. in .1 increments until stable. 1.67 should be good.

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Wow. Instant stability! I changed my core voltage to 1.70, and everything runs just fine now.

Thanks alot!


Originally posted by DosFreak:

From 700 to 800? Yes, Improve voltage. in .1 increments until stable. 1.67 should be good.

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oXide, I got an idea if you keep flaming people on this board i and others will write a letter to SHS asking him to ban you. This is a help board not a flame other users because your stuff isnt working right board. Please be courtious to other users or dont post. We do this to help you not to get bitched at by you. So all im asking is treat the other posters with some respect and dignity.

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I post something, and people reply with shit that has nothing to do with my question..is that a legitamate reason for frustration?


"HI, I am having a problem overclocking..."


"Then dont overclock"


Wtf kinda answer is that? My frustration is valid..though it may seem i am "flaming" people, a closer look would reveal nothing more but human emotion.



[This message has been edited by oXide (edited 11 September 2000).]

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i would say up the voltage!


my k6-3 450 is running at 500 and when at 2.3v it seemed fine untill you had run hl for about an hour (cpu hits about 45 degrees c) then it locked up - upped the voltage to 2.4 and its fine - so try it - it will work - check overclockers.com for better cooling etc

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yes but this isnt an overclocking forum its an NTCOMAPTIBLE ONE. You said your system was overclocked and wouldnt boot 2k, ronin simply said to not overclock it. Yes its an answer not the one your looking for but still doesnt merit the responses you gave to him. I just want everyone to be cool to each other and not go fly off the handle when someone gives you an obvious solution to the problem your having. Even if its not the one your looking for its still an answer.

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Originally posted by @~@:~KEV~:@~@:
i would say up the voltage!

my k6-3 450 is running at 500 and when at 2.3v it seemed fine untill you had run hl for about an hour (cpu hits about 45 degrees c) then it locked up - upped the voltage to 2.4 and its fine - so try it - it will work - check overclockers.com for better cooling etc

Hey, i did up the voltage and it works fine now...good old voltage.

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Look, oXide, the problem is not that people are trying to give you smart-ass responses. You are asking a fairly basic overclocking question in a forum that really isnt directly concerned with O/C. Most of the readers of this board have seen SOOOOOO many questions about O/C that read very much like yours that they want to puke. There are a huge number of sites that specialize in overclocking specifically. To this end, a search of those sites would most assuredly turn up the answers to your question.

Further, while it seems that there are uncountable success stories related to increased performance from overclocking on the internet, there is ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE that any given configuration of OS, MB, Ram, HD, peripherals, etc. will yield these same gains. Many long time O/Cers have seen decreased O/C performance after switching to Win2k, while others have had no ill effects. Finally, assuming that you were in a forum where O/C was actively discussed, the form of the question that you posted gives those who would pose legitmate answers little information to go on. This information includes (but is not limited to) voltage settings, ALL peripherals (including graphics card, as many newer cards (GEForce) dont respond well to O/C, or to quake, for that matter), power source, specific BIOS information, Ram, etc., any of which can malfunction when overclocked.


It sounds like you have solved your specific problem. Next time, go to sites that are specific for your problem, and do a quick search. If that doesn't turn up answers, post your problem explicitly. Most likely, others have already found the solution.


Am I preaching? Probably. But I (as well as many others) greatly value the NTCompatible (as well as a select group of others) forums as no BS, helpful, and friendly resources. Many of the readers have contacted each other outside the bounds of the forum as well. If you want to see a useless example of a help forum, go to ScaRy's, or nearly every other gaming site, and try to get a legitmate question answered there. We (the readers of this forum) are concerened and protective of the integrity of this valuable resource that we (as a collective) have created. Threads that proceed like the present one do nothing but damage that integrity.


This is not a personal attack, nor is it a flame. It seems that this is your first post (under this name, anyway) and it is understandable that you may not know the protocol here. No worries, but for building a productive, helpful relationship with the other readers of this board, it will benefit you greatly to first learn the flavor of this board, then interact accordingly. There is a huge amount of information here at your disposal; getting banned doesn't hurt us, it only hurts you. It would be a pity if that happened because of a simple misunderstanding.


Props to THC for calling for cool heads to prevail smile.gif


[This message has been edited by ChaNce (edited 11 September 2000).]

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I meet the same limit to overclocking in Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000.


Voltage increase in small incements is almost always necessary when you overclock and be prepared to lower your memory timings in Bios to Cas 3 and go back to AGP 1 with no fast writes.

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