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Stop: 0x00000024

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The full error message is:

Stop: 0x00000024 (0x00190203, 0x8673E6F0, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)


Pretty sure I did that...I left my laptop running all night (Stupid, I know, but I'm a forgetful person) I keep seeing 'run checkdisk' whenever I try to find an answer online, but I can't even log!!! I get a blue screen every time I've tried safe mode. Diagnostics test showed:

--Start DST Short Test--

Test Results: Fail

Error Code: 1000-0146

Msg: Unit 0:DST Log contains previous error(s)


I have a Windows XP Professional laptop, Inspiron 9300 if that helps any..

Sorry if I'm not giving the right details. I know little about computers :S If anyone knows how to fix this without logging then I'd be very grateful.

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Do you have your Windows XP disc? You might be able to repair the OS with it.


How much RAM do you have installed on your system? There could be an issue relating to your paging file; adding more RAM might help. Most likely, there is something wrong with your hard drive disk (HDD) or with the cabling which attaches your HDD to your motherboard.


Essentially, this error is telling you that there is a problem with reading/writing to your HDD. Sometimes this is because of a corrupted driver, sometimes it's bad/loose cabling to your HDD. Have you installed anything recently (just before the error started ocurring)? This could help troubleshoot as well.


If you cannot repair your OS with the Windows XP disc, and you know very little about computers (as you suggest), you might be better off taking it in somewhere to have them take a look. I'd suggest waiting to see if anyone else here has another option for you before you run off to pay someone, though.



Edit: If you feel up to the task, you can read this article Troubleshooting 0x24 errors.

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Around 1 Gig of RAM, I haven't added onto it yet. My disc is lost somewhere in my house a few states away(call for a new one?). Also, it was taken apart yesterday to have the headphone jack repaired but it worked fine afterwards.

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So your machine was working fine until just after you replaced the headphone jack? If that is the case, then definitely make sure that all the cables are securely plugged in. If that doesn't work, try to see if you can disable to audio device.

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