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Help installing GAIM...

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I'm a noob to the Linux world, so I apologize for the basic question...


I loaded Fedora 4, bareboned. No additional packages were installed during installation. I figured this would force me to learn a lot about how to set up a Linux system from scratch.


I've been working on this for a couple days now without much progress, so I'm turning to you guys for a little help.


I wanted to start off simple, install GAIM. I found out that by doing that I had to install gcc-4.0.2, gtk-2.8.7, and glib-2.9.0. It took a lot of error messages and research to figure out I needed these.


However, even with these installed, I still get the following message when attempting to ./configure GAIM...



*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...

*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the

*** exact error that occurred. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.

configure: error:

*** GTK+ 2.0 is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the GTK+

*** development headers installed. The latest version of GTK+ is

*** always available at http://www.gtk.org/.



That's a little better than the message I had been getting recently, about not finding GLIB. After adding /usr/local/lib to ld.so.conf and running /sbin/ldconfig -v that seemed to go away, presenting me with the error above.


Somehow I need to get GAIM understanding that yes, I do in fact have these items installed. Any help?


Please reply in noob-terms so that I can understand. I'm a seasoned Windows IT guy, so some of this is rather foreign to me.



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You have a couple of options.


1. Install gaim that comes with Fedora.


2. Install it by source, which is apparently how you have been trying to do it.


In order to install packages (programs) in Windowsease, you need development packages installed, not just the basic tools that do not allow installing packages from source.


*** GTK+ 2.0 is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the GTK+

*** development headers installed. The latest version of GTK+ is

*** always available at http://www.gtk.org/.


You can install install Fedora's version with Fedora's package manager, which will solve the "dependency" package issues (development files) or you can use Yum, which should do the same.


If you choose to install from source, I suggest doing some reading on the subject first, especially since this may be your first attempt to do so.


See the unofficial Fedora faq page located here.


And...be patient. Many folks read these forums, with only a few that would have the answer to your question. I myself don't use Gaim, but can give you some basic pointers.


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