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Wine in SUSE 9.2

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frown I am a reasonably new user to Linux, I am using SUSE 9.2 and it comes standard with Wine.


What I want to know is how do you configure Wine so that you can install and run Windows games and programs through Linux.


I am dual booting with windows 2000 server because I have an older parallel scanner and it does not work in Linux.


Also please help me with my printer, I have an Epson Stylus C43 UX which is seen by Linux SUSE 9.2 but I am having problems printing in Linux, any help will be appreciated because I am having problems configuring it


You can e-mail with suggestions at keiths@omniafrica.co.za



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The first thing to consider, is what Windows programs that you are looking to run. Wine does not run all programs made for Windows well, or even at all.


If this is the case, there are usually good Linux based packages that will do what you will like sans the hassle of getting Windows apps. to work via Wine.


Give us some idea what apps. that you are looking to run.

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Hi, find the exe file of the program you want to TRY to run with wine, right click it and select "open with". Now use the browse option to find the wine binary file in /usr/bin and select that.

Then open it. You will have the option also to always associate exe files (ie windows application) with wine.


Wine's makers strongly suggest you run progams from a safe place, ie not your windows partiton. if your windows partition is NTFS I suspect wine will not work so make a seperate FAT32 area on your drive copy directories to there and try.


Regards, Pete


p.s. I have tried to run DVD shrink, it crashes frown

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One point of clarification. make sure that you are running an exe file that is an executable vs. the installer exe file. Running the installer file will "uncompress" the needed files into the wine directory structure, but you need to know where the executable exe file is once this is done to actually try the program out.


Also, may Windows based apps have specific dll files that need to be imported into the Wine environment. This is a reason why some of the apps. crash.


Once we know what you would like to try out, we can give you some leads.


Petergavin makes good points about setting up wine. If you are confised about this, just ask!

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