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Hardrive failure (recovery ?)

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A harddrive on my mothers computer failed. Basically she told me that when she came back from stand by the computer said the same message I see every time I boot. "A disk error occured. Press ctrl+alt+del).


I fiddled with it. restarted, took it out, put it back in. nothing. I figured it was done so I bought a new hardrive, installed xp and then went about seeing if I could get xp to reconize the drive. Well, the drive shows up but when you click on it it says its corrupt.


Well. I would imagine that SOME of the drive is fucked up, but not the whole damn thing. So, is there any way to get any information back that was on the drive? Are there any probing tools that will help me to get into the drive and extract whats left or is it done?


I feel so bad. My mom paid all this money to get ancestry shit and has been working on it for so long and BAM the shits done. I told her to back up but I dont think she really knows how. frown


Help! frownfrownfrown

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check with company's web site.the most company's have recovery tools for the hd.also try somethink like norton utilities to repair the disk, or ghost to backup your disk to another one, usualy the image of the bad hd works and it will you let take backup of the files.Remember to check ignore errors to ghost options.

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check out a program called GetDataBack, requires 2 hdds (one to be fixed, and the second to copy the files to) this program rocks!

it'll get back deleted file from sectors already written over.


not sure how much it costs tho (a tech mate of mine uses it, says you can recover from just about anything short of the drive exploding)

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GDB is mad expensive, but I'm looking into it.


Thanks guys!

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Wooo yeah! They had a free download of the program on their site. I must have looked over it. I'm running it now and it appears to be finding everything! laughlaughlaughlaugh

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So... I got the program.... check out the drives.... everything is there... EXCEPT FOR THE FILES I WANTED!


I needed to get the files in my moms profile (IE favorites and my documents) but, they were the only files not there.)


WTF ;( ;( ;( frown

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