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DVD-RAM software for win2000

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Does anybody know of any dvd-ram software that supports Windows 2000? I just purchased a DVD-RAM drive and it came with no NT or 2000 drivers frown.gif so i'm stuck with 98 (yuck)

The only program that I've heard of is writeDVD....

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I have a Panasonic LF-D101 DVDRAM drive, it works under win2k, but only with read capabilites, everytime i have to write i have to switch to windows millennium, in the included cd were only win98 drivers, i think not even NT drivers, it does have writedvd, but since im running win2k it wont even run.

im gonna bug da **** out of panasonic until they come out with drivers supporting win2k.




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oh man, i just went to that website, they have just what we need! lol.. at a $79.99 pricetag! ouch! there's more than one way to skin a cat. i'll be back.


hack3r chameleon

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I've emailed the writeDVD people a bunch of times, and they ignored all my emails, I dont know if i like em anymore.....plus the pricetag is hefty!!

if there would be just some other choice! frown.gif

i have a toshiba dvd-ram and works beautiful under win98 but god i hate win98.....i treid hacking the update of writeDVD for NT(with success) so if anyone wants to know how to do that lemme know, but it doesnt work under win2k frown.gif



[This message has been edited by chudy (edited 20 December 1999).]

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so chameleon what were you brainstorming about? smile.gif


[This message has been edited by chudy (edited 20 December 1999).]

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hmm, im back.

just want to say: ARGG, after i finally get my hands on the damn drivers. after install and a reboot, all they do is completely disbale my dvdram drive alltogether! the lable for my dvd disc is "DVD-RAM" and thats what it normally says under win2k, but after installing the drivers it just says "Compact-Disc" which is what is says for any dvd/cd drive when its empty, and when i hit the eject button, it doesnt even eject! but the light is on, not the activity one. the idle. so i have tried it two times already and get the same exact result. it is beta but damn.




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