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Just saw Episode 2

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I finally saw the movie yesterday and I just have to say . . .




This was true Star Wars to the core. I loved every minute of the movie! I don't understand how anyone can be critical of any part of this movie, it was incredible from beginning to end. Lucas finally got back into developing his characters. So many mysteries are being revealed, and they all lead to new questions.




I love the way that Palpatine has been manipulating everyone for at least 10 years (episode I). He is so smooth, playing out the other jedi and the whole republic in order to gain power.

And Yoda! OMG what can you say! Now we have finally seen how powerful he can be. I loved it!

I'm glad they toned down Jar Jar. He's finally gotten control of himself. I hated him in Ep I.

Obi Wan was perfect. He was my favorite character overall.

And I got chills when Anakin was telling Padme about what he did in the Tusken Raider village. He's definitely losing it.

I thought the whole clone thing was great. Palpatine will eventually use this army to maintain control of the Republic. I laughed to myself when he promised the senate that he would return the emergency powers they gave him after the crisis has passed. HA! We know how long THAT will take! Not until Vader kills him.

And does anyone else agree that Owen and Beru were perfect? They looked exactly like them!

And I remember from some of the comic books or novels or something that it was mentiond that Boba Fett was somehow related to the Stormtroopers. Now we know how!


What I expect in Episode 3:


Palpatine gains more and more control, and is finally revealed to be a Sith.

Anakin, desperate to become all powerful, in the name of revenge, dabbles in the Dark Side of the Force.

Darth Sidious plays Anakin against Dooku, just like he will eventually play Luke against Vader. But this time Anakin easily gives in to hate and defeats Dooku, becoming Darth Vader.

The twins are born in secret.

Anakin blames the Jedi for something (death of Padme?) and hunts them all down, using the huge clone army and serving Sidious.

Being an unstable control freak, he gladly sets about bringing order to the galaxy through fear and violence.

Construction of the Death Star begins.

Luke is left with Owen and Beru on Tatooine, Leia is left on Alderaan. Obi Wan hides on Tatooine, Yoda hides on Dagoba. Everyone is waiting for Luke to grow up, he is the Jedi's only hope.

Hopefully some Wookies!

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it was ok, but certainly wasn't worth going to the threatre for. Clones have been done over way too much, in such shows as Metropolis and Multiplicity. As well as the one with Arnold where his finds out his family has been cloned.


It's the same ol', same ol', and believe me "funky" graphics do not make a movie. The storyline was ok, it was better than that god awful Episode I, but not by much.


Let's hope he gets it straight with Episode 3. Because as far as i'm concerned, 4 to 6 are the only good ones out there.

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You guys should seriously stick a warning on your posts smile like THE ENTIRE STORY IS GIVEN AWAY BELOW! oops too late smile hopefully going to see it this week though and it had better be good frown

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Ahh, sorry. I added a warning to mine. A bit too late for some I guess...

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THats becuse the clones are Stormtroopers.

I guessed that a long time ago.

NAtalie Portman was prettty S E X Y as well.

Yes Portman was very hot.

No, Storm Troopers are not clones, per the books. In the later books 7,8,9, they explain the destuction of the clone cylinders way before the Empire was even formed. Clones should be way over by the end of EP3.

There was an Academy for the Empire, people enrolled just like the rebellion. They were all men, not clones.... Except 1. Can the book readers tell me who that might be?

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I read the books, and yes they stopped using clones. But I meant to amass the army that quickly. Although I still suspect many of them were still clones.

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BTW, Natalie Portman reminds me so much of Audrey Hepburn its scarey.


Beautiful , educated, classy.



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Hey Joebrez, it was Emperor Palpatine in Dark Empire, he supposedly died several times, and just occupied a new body of one of his clones from his secret personal stash. hehe. Luke had to destroy the clone chambers to dispatch him forever and for good.

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Ding Ding Ding we have a Winner.... I love Star Wars trivia. I really liked the books. But the story started to wear really thin




Good man..

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I stopped reading the books about 3 years ago. Too many were coming out by then and I couldn't keep up, and the quality was slipping. They went the same way as Star Trek books did; mass quantity over quality in the end. I loved the Jedi Academy books though, but the best of all was Timothy Zahn's trilogy, with Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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it wasn't george lucas' fault Episode 1 kinda sucked, he had to tell the story and Episode 1 was part of it, kinda like reading a book where the first 2 or 3 chapters suck. Although i think we could have done without Jar-Jar, or at least he could have been more professional and not as annoying....wait, C3PO was annoying too in the other ones, i guess its something you gotta deal with huh?



And Yes, i would have to say that i would do Natalie Portman. LOL

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"SPOILER" in the topic would have been ok, we're sorry

Well, the original post merely stated that Yoda kicked a$$, and had no spoilers of any sort (hence no need for that heading in the topic). However, it would seem logical that there would be much discussion about the movie itself amongst people that have seen it in the thread, so I don't understand why anyone would be too mad about it to begin with.

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I stopped reading the books about 3 years ago. Too many were coming out by then and I couldn't keep up, and the quality was slipping. They went the same way as Star Trek books did; mass quantity over quality in the end. I loved the Jedi Academy books though, but the best of all was Timothy Zahn's trilogy, with Grand Admiral Thrawn.

I agree totally.

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ep2 was just plain boring. The dialouge was crappy. The fight scenes were normal and nothing great. I went to the bathroom 3 times during the movie because i got so bored of the lackluster acting job by all except who ever played obi one.


Unfortunately i'm going to go see all of the movies because of my love for the orginal trilogy.

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I see a lot of people who don't like Anakin in episode 2. They mostly say that they dislike his whininess and can't see how he can become Darth Vader. I think you have to know somebody like that to understand.


For example, my brother-in-law is a whining rebellious little punk. He'll b1tch about things being unfair, he is short-sighted, very rebellious, and very quick tempered. But he also has a heart of gold and will do anything for loved ones, until he gets pissed off. He has been in the U.S. Army for several years, and wants to join the police force when he is done with that. Anakin totally reminds me of this guy, the way he has good intentions, but if you say one thing he doesn't like, he'll get angry and kill all the sandpeople, and then cry about it. His ideas are not usually taken seriously, and most people around him are overzealous in their attempts to constantly teach him the ways of life.


The manner of dialogue used, which some claim is bad acting, seems to me to be Anakins stumbling over his words because his thoughts are beyond him. He has these extraordinary powers and an urge to prove himself to everyone. Yet he is still immature and realizes that everything he says is taken by others as the words of "only a padowan learner." So everytime he speaks, he's working out his defenses in his head, waiting for the inevitable patronizing reply from obi-wan or yoda. And he is trying too hard to be better than those around him, when it's experience that counts. When he is around padme, he can express his discontent with his situation, and his affection for her, something he isn't used to doing. It reminded me of those awkward first dates everyone has had. (most of you I hope)


I found this movie to be vastly more intellectual than all the other Star Wars movies. There were so many subtle things going on, a web of political developments. If you don't watch closely, you wont realize that everyone in this movie is directly or indirectly a puppet of Palpatine. I thought this aspect was brilliant in its subtletly. Of course this type of story bores a lot of people because there isn't an explosion every 30 seconds followed by some tits in your face.

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For some reason I feel i have to reply to above post to defend my point of view.


One doesn't go to a star wars movie looking for action every 30 seconds and tits in their face. If I want to see that I would go watch The big hit (you know the one with marky mark?) I was expecting a lot more from this as ep1 was just, as someone else in the thread said, the first 3 chapters of a good book. I really can't explain what really got to me except for what appeared to be un-rehearsed lines and actors that just didn't seem to care about what they were doing. The story line was interesting and definetly leads to what will happen in the furture episodes. Also the scenes and props and cg were amazing. Just think it could have been a lot better.

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...because there isn't an explosion every 30 seconds followed by some tits in your face.

So are the tits in the face as a direct result of the explosion? (imagines body parts flying everywhere, getting hit by a flying pair of tits...)

Sorry, long day at work...
AndyF laugh

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lol, Andy!


I wasn't singling you out Manifest, I was generalizing movie goers as a whole. Obviously you are part of the minority of society with enough brains to make it to this forum and post a message, so I know explosions and tits aren't what gives your life purpose. And I sure as hell don't expect everyone to like Star Wars, or that there is something wrong with someone who doesn't like it.


Anyway, I think I was just too engrossed in the story and the mystery of what Obi-Wan was investigating to notice that the acting was bad. Just for fun I watched the old trilogy, trying to maintain the mindset of an episode 1 or 2 critic, and guess what?


Episode 4 - It's a campy, old, done before story line, with some bad acting by Hamill and even Harrison Ford. Owen and Beru were horribly acted out. Comic releif from the droids and Chewbacca was goofy, and editing in some parts was just strange. For example Lukes references to Biggs, and their later reunion. The original scene with Luke and Biggs before Biggs left Tatooine was deleted, so the follow ups didn't make sense. And somebody explain to me why picking up power converters with your friends is a fun pastime on Tatooine? Also the fighting choreogrophy is terrible compared to todays standards.


Episode 5 - near flawless, until the Special Edition (Luke screaming as he fell in Bespin was gay.) Explain to me how a 2 ton Taun-taun, a native of Hoth, freezes and collapses before a 180 pound guy? Billy Dee Williams wasn't exactly a great actor either. Mark Hamill has improved his skills, but like his father, he is whiney at times. (when do i get to meet yoda, how far is he, waaaah waaaah! lol)


Episode 6 - Ok, Emperor Palpatine was cool, and the battle against the 2nd Death Star was cool. The Ewoks though, too much cuteness there. They should have been much less fuzzy. I cringed when Chewbacca howled like Tarzan while swinging from a vine. Yoda's death was very sad, and well done. Jabbas blues band was silly and seemed out of place, especially the redux in the Special Edition. Boba Fett's death totally sucked! He was such a cool bounty hunter, and he gets accidentally knocked into the Sarlacc? Bullsh1t! I'm glad this major flaw was corrected in the Dark Empire comic series. And the ongoing monologues of the Emperor taunting Luke began to bore me a bit. The acting for the Mon Calamari was pretty bad, but Harrison Ford has finally honed his skills to perfection. As usual in every single Star Wars movie, supporting actors in minor roles are pretty bad.


So you see, anyone can critique these movies to death, or you can just let yourself fall into a fun fantasy world and ignore the minor, silly flaws. I prefer to have fun!

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I think the biggest problem here is that the new trilogy is proving to be a little too deep for some people.

There is actually a deeper story line happening and also many story threads weaving that will eventually come together in Episode III.

The original trilogy didn't go half as deep as the action and story was very linear.

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Exactly. If I want to watch a movie that has no plot, and doesnt lead me around to the very end, I'll rewatch "I Love Lesbians 12".


Otherwise Ep2's subtle plots, within plots, were masterful.


And Believe it or not, there are a lot of folks who havent seen the first 3.



Anakin was cast perfectly, and he played a scared confused boy, who's childhhod was stolen, very well. TO have to confront all that anger, sadness and power at the same time, in addition to becoming a man, that would confuse the hell out of me too.

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Remember, the Darth Vader everyone is familiar with is 40-45 years old! This Anakin is only 19. He has a lot ahead of him!

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I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the best scene of all, the biggest sub-plot of all.




You know, the scene when Anakin explains to Padame what he did after his mother's demise. George Lucas shows how truly evil Darth Vader is. An evil far and above anything imaginable. I think it was the best scene in the movie. Episodes IV,V, & VI never really showed how evil Darth Vader was. Those episodes made Darth Vader the Villian but not an evil that would kill women and children like Anakin did in his emotional rage. Wow, I can't wait to see what Anakin does in Episode III. Episode III should be the darkest and most evil film developed in the Star Wars series. Go Empire!!!!

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Just seen it tonite (I know I know, Ive been busy) and it was fantastic. Im thinking about going again this weekend.


Something I really love about the Star Wars movies is the sound. God, the laser blasts, light sabres, star ship engines. My pants were vibrating when those siesmic mines went off. It really adds to the whole I think.


I am really waiting for the third. Not as much as I am waiting for the two towers though...

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