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Win2k and Sound Blaster AWE64

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Hey... I know a lot of you have figured out how to get SB Live to work in 2000... but I have SB AWE64 and although it says it's working in all of the hardware properties, I am getting no sound. In fact when I try to play something like an mp3 or wav, the counter will go to 2 or 3 seconds and then just stop... no sound frown.gif Can anyone help? I am running the second release candidate and I have an AMD-K6 2 450 with 128MB ram and all the fixins... Thanks!



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Drivers for this card and the PCI64 were pretty bad for RC2 and prior releases. if you can get your hands on a newer build, they get better each time. I have 2176 and have no probs with sound anymore. ICQ me and I'll see if I can dig you up a driver set if you can get a new release

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I also have some problems with the drivers of the PCI 64, and Windows Media Player too. The sound works well for several hours after booting, then suddenly, without any warning, two different things can happen:


1- The sound becomes crappy, WinAmp won't play any mp3 anymore, and even Windows sounds are strange...


2- Windows Media Player stops every two seconds when playing any mpeg or avi, and there is no sound at all.


Do you know where I could find better drivers for my sound card ?




philippe.gif -IMoM, someflagofwhoknows.gif

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