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VPN or something else?

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I have 2 Exchange servers on two different LANs in two different states. I'd like to be able to connect the two Exchange servers to share resources between them. Each LAN has a static IP, so I was thinking VPN. One LAN uses a NT 4 Workstation with a proxy server on the static IP (the Exchange Server is behind the proxy server), the other LAN has the PDC (and Exchange server) directly on the the other static IP.

Can anyone give provide some advice as to how to create a VPN between the two (using MS platforms)? I tried running an OpenBSD box on both ends, but I had tons of problems with the VPN and using the box as a router for each LAN.

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Why VPN? You could configure the X400 connector to link both the servers without the VPN hassle. Granted, it would perform better if you can use the VPN as you will be able to use more efficient connectors, but if it is just to sync files between 2 exchange servers, the vpn is not essential. Once you encrypt your tunnels, you will lose the performasnce benefit anyway.


The VPN software I use is quite expensive, and certainly is not worth the cost if you only are connecting 2 mail servers. I doubt there is anything of quality for the windows platform that does not cost an arm and a leg.



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