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Gigabit Network question

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I have a network, 3 computers, a server and 2 workstations.

The topology is pretty much Star and it uses a Server/Client approach!


If I change the HUB(10/100) to a Gigabit HUB and change the cards just from the server and one workstation, will the gigabit ethernet still work? I mean at full speed, even though one of the stations still have the onld 10/100 NIC?


The computers with the 1000 NIC will be affected if they are communicating just between them?


Or will the workstation with the 10/100 NIC slow down the whole network?



cool ftmrianda

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If you manage to get a Gigabit HUB, in no way will the 3 machines be able to function at different duplexes plugged in at the same time. Now if you considered a Gigabit switch.. then yes, run whatever you want so long as the switch is 10/100/1000.

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hubs are slower anyway for multiple comps... i'd suggest a switch, or a router if you plan on making the network much larger to eliminate too much useless usage of bandwidth...


halz said it well though i cant do any better

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