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amaya install error

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i downloaded the i586 rpm, and got the following error when i opened the rpm..

Some package requested cannot be installed:

amaya-8.1a-2mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied librdf.so.0)

Do you agree?


shoudl i download the src version instead of the i586... i thought i586 was for pentium computers, which mine is... shouldnt that rpm work?? and its an rpm for mandrake supposedly.. :x ;(

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You are missing the libraries for libredland0. This is a dependency error.


What about the Mandrake CD's? Is there a version on one of the three install and rpm cd's?


If you want to try this, get libreadland0, but there may be more.




Start at rpmfind for Amaya and check any other dependency errors that you may get.



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how do you know that librdf.so.0 = libredland0???? cause i never quite got the whole thing like that.... nyways, its not on the cds... sooo frown nyways ill try out that download...

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If you look at the Amaya link and scroll down to the dependencies section, you will find a reference to librdf.so.0.


Click on this and it brings up the dependency package that the libraries are contained in.


This is the tradeoff with installing independent packages not found on the Mandrake CD's. You need to track down the dependency issues. Some call it dependency hell.


Of course, there is apt4rpm and yum that works on some distros that take care of this for you, provided you find the correct repositories!

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laughlaugh :x :x ... what in the world did u just say.. u must remeber im still a newb to this...

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When you install packages (programs) from the install cd's, you will notice that you get prompted to switch disks to disk #2...


Each package that you install, such as Amaya, may have other packages or libraries that it depends on.


Using rpmDrake, or whatever the package installer is in Mandrake (I got so many, I can't keep track), you notice that it may want to install more support packages than the original package that you picked.


This is called a dependency. Amaya depends on other packages to work.


When you install a package, like Amaya, independent from the auto-install feature in Mandrake (that installs and attempts to meet the dependencies for you), the same thing happens. But, you need to know what other packages are needed to make Amaya work properly.


If you don't, rpmfind is a web based rpm repository that can help to sort this out, to some extent.


When you get the message trying to install Amaya, that a dependency is not met (as you did), then Mandrake tries to tell you what is missing.


The resultant message does not always make sense to the average user.


So, if you go to the link that I provided, that shows the Amaya package, and scroll down to the dependency section, chances are that you can ID the missing library package, in your case librdf.so.0.


Click on that and hopefully you find an rpm package, for Mandrake, that meets that dependency.


Amaya may depend on other packages, as well.


That's when folks call this dependency hell!

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