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Everything posted by teenguy

  1. teenguy

    LAN Watcher

    In our office my colleagues are taking some of the datas from my machine without my knowledge thru lan. i.e by typing \\mysystemname\d$ Now i've unshared all the drive and took over the ownership control of all the files. If anyone do like this will a entry would be stored in pdc system? and also is there any freeware to track this kind of acitivities. Regards
  2. teenguy

    .Vcd Extension File

    I've downloaded a file with .vcd extension. How can i open that file in computer.
  3. teenguy

    .Vcd Extension File

    The name of the file is Red.Hat.Certified.Engineer.Linux.Study.Guide.CD [it's .vcd extension I've checked it] Size is 37MB When i tried to open with windows media player it gave me some error.
  4. teenguy

    Outlook Express Problem

    I need a help from you guys. I've got a new project. To study the project i've to go through nearly 500 email messages. Pls don't think what kind of project this would be. My problem is 1) All the email messages are in Outlook msg type 2) I am not using Outlook. I am using lotus notes for emails 3) Client has sent a bunch of outlook msg emails [say nearly 600] 4) I've installed outlook express to check the contents of the email. Client zipped all these email messages and sent it to me. I've unzipped all the emails and put it in a seperate folder. My Question is: I want to consolidate all the 500 emails into one single excel sheet..or even a single notepad without copy and pasting the contents from the outlook. Is there any application available to do this task.
  5. teenguy

    MCP Secured Site

    I've got the MCP certificate around August, 2002. Received the welcome kit also. But today when i tried to enter the MCP secured site with the old passport signin username it is giving me some error. Can anyone help me
  6. I would like to install win2k pro, linux and solaris in one single system. Others may find this idea as wacky. But I need this for study purpose..Any idea how to do that. System Config: Intel Celeron Hard Drive : 8.4 GB 128 MB RAM Thanks,
  7. teenguy


    Firewall has been installed in my office. When I type a ftp address in my IE address field. It gets hanged. But when I tried the same in my home it worked fine. I've got a stand-alone pc in my home. what would be the problem...
  8. teenguy

    "Services" options in win2k

    In Win nt under control panel lot of options are there particularly "Services" to start/stop any services but in win 2k this particular thing is missing. Where can i find this in win2k.
  9. teenguy


    I've installed win2k in my system and now i need to install linux. Can anyone guide me how to do it. I need the basic points which needs to be taken care before installing linux.
  10. teenguy


    I've somehow succesfully installed linux. But while starting the computer i am not getting the option to select the os which needs to be started. Linux is getting started only if i use linux boot floopy otherwise win2000 is getting started. Any help
  11. teenguy


    I am planning to installing red hat linux 7.0. It seems bootmagic has been discontinued as a stand alone product. Now it is a feature of partitionmagic. Does the trial software will be useful?
  12. teenguy

    Translation Software

    I am looking for a best translation software. Is there anyone who can help me. I need to translate the words or sentences from English --> Other Foreign Languages. Mainly I am looking to translate the sentences..... Thanks,
  13. teenguy

    Translation Software

    Thanks, I will try this
  14. teenguy

    Microsoft.Net Server Family

    In microsoft website one page says that: You can sign up now to receive free trial software for Windows .NET Server Release Candidate 1 (RC1)—via CD or download. Read about the Customer Preview Program (CPP), available in English only, then use the links on the right to make your choice But the other page is asking info for billing... I want to know whether this trial software is free or not. I am not living either in US or canada.
  15. teenguy

    Microsoft.Net Server Family

    Thanks Phillip, I've registered for the download...
  16. teenguy


    In our work place Lunix has been installed. I feel Winnt would be a better choice than Lunix. Any comments for me.
  17. teenguy


    Currently I am using PCAnywhere software to access the remote servers. I would like to know is there any other remote access software which is more powerful than PCAnywhere. Thanks
  18. teenguy

    Corrupted Word

    I am experiencing an annoying problem, and am looking for clues and suggestions. I'm using Word 97 on Windows NT. Sometimes when I try to open a document, I get an error message: "Word cannot open this document template (D:\PROGRAM FILES\...\STARTUP\WWEBVB.DOT)". I click on OK, then I get this message: "Word cannot open the existing "|_| " (The last part of the above is a crude email rendition of the box character.) What the heck does that mean? I've tried renaming the Normal.dot file but still no use. Anyone can help me here....
  19. teenguy


  20. teenguy


    Thanks guys....I had decided to stick with PCAnywhere.
  21. teenguy

    Low Volume

    I am getting very low volume. I am using Avance Sound Manager sound card. Is there any freeware available to increase the sound capacity. Thanks,
  22. teenguy


    When i run msconfig I am receiving the below error msg Cannot find the file msconfig (or one of its components). Makesure that the path and file name are correct and that are required libraries are available. Can anyone help me
  23. teenguy

    cda file format

    No sound is produced if I try to play Audio CDs maybe because the .CDA format is not supported. If I play MP3 and WAV file, it works just fine. I can also play VCDs without any problems. I tried to play the songs from the cd drive itself and also I've copied to cd's songs to hard drive and tried to play but no use. Hope somebody helps me out to iron out this glitch.
  24. teenguy

    cda file format

    Just like xp we do have a option in control panel to turn it on. I did that but yet the icon is missing in task bar. Thanks for your replies.
  25. teenguy

    cda file format

    Thanks Admiral, It worked...............and also the volume icon is not appearing the task bar.........do you know the reason behind this.