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About rayers2

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  1. rayers2

    Is a large harddrive a viable backup solution?

    I use some external SCSI drives for my backups. I have 4 systems in the house and what I do is a ghost/network backup of the systems to the SCSI drives. Then after the backup I just shut the drives down untill the next backup or restore, Usually takes 10 mins or less to restore a system..
  2. rayers2

    Wierd SCSI CD ROM Problem

    Anyone heard of this before? I installed a new Cyberdrive SCSI CD ROM internal with my Yamaha SCSI CDR. Win XP installed 8 cd rom drives for the cyberdrive LUN0 LUN1 LUN2 LUN3 etc. Why did this happen?? I can gain access to any of the drive Icons as the cyberdrive (hmmm) So what I did was disable LUN1 through LUN9 and left LUN0 as enabled and now I have 1 icon and it is accessable, Just wondering why this happened....