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Everything posted by oribiasi

  1. I still have a board with only an AGP slot. Anyone know of the best card out there for it? Thanks.
  2. oribiasi

    VisualReality - (Voodoo 3500) and XP

    I believe there are *new* drivers available @ Windows.Update and at a few other sites for Voodoo stuff...
  3. oribiasi


    IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - there's one for you; I have WinXP running on the following machine: Athlon T-Bird 1.4 Ghtz 320 RAM 2 HD's 10 G (NTFS) 20 G (FAT32) GeForce3 Seems to only blue screen and this appears (along with some other worthless ****) when I am trying to copy a large file over from C:\ to D:\ (C:\ = 10 G, D:\ = 20 G) or when I am installing something off of D:\ onto C:\ Sugestions?
  4. oribiasi


    Well, strictly speaking, I shouldn't really be complaining all that much yet, considering that SP1 for this OS is not out yet...however I fear this problem may be local to just my frieken machine...it sounds like my luck -- I would appreciate ANY help here guys -- I flashed my ECS K7VZA bios from 3.2d to 3.3b...still no SIGNIFICANT changes...
  5. oribiasi

    Stop ERROR IRQL_NOT_EQUAL........

    I also have this problem on the below system specs...maybe SP1 will correct it? I hope so...
  6. oribiasi

    SystemWorks 2002: Worth using? Bloated?

    I use Norton Corporate Edition (v.7.50.846) and it runs nicely...under WINxp and Win2000
  7. oribiasi


    My apologies for not posting my motheboard type and some other additional system specs...so: ECS K7VZA HD 1: 10.0G, boot (os installed; WinXP) NTFS HD 2: 20.0G, non-boot (os not installed) FAT32 As for those links, I believe they are null now...but I shall look into them anyway...I would appreciate any future help you may be able to give me...thanks. -oribiasi
  8. oribiasi

    NVidia GeForec3 drivers and WinXP

    I just got my GeForce3 in my AGP slot and it works wonderfully, I am running this driver version: 21.83 Are these the most current and best for WinXP? Do tell...
  9. oribiasi

    FAT32 vs. NTFS

    Hmm...I have 2 hard drives, one of them (C:\) has WinXP installed on it whereas the other is just a slave where I dump downloaded files onto (D:\) -- now, the C:\ drive is NTFS but the D:\ drive is FAT32 - and every so often when I try to install a patch or something off of D:\ WinXP reboots, giving me no real reason why, but I can't but think that this odd formatting may be the cause...and ideas for fixes? I don't want to format D:\ because I have all of my EVERYTHING on there...including 2000+ mp3s...ugh... Thanks!
  10. oribiasi

    NVidia GeForec3 drivers and WinXP

    Actually, not to upset the motion of the universe (or in this case, the forum), there are 21.85 drivers for WinXP, but I didn't notice any difference except that they weren't MS certified...so I just reverted back to 21.83 and all works well...I think I'll wait until MS certifies 21.85 for me to install them...as if I trust them...
  11. oribiasi

    FAT32 vs. NTFS

    By not enabling this feature, what am I losing - also, for which drive should I do this too? Both? Is that prudent?
  12. oribiasi

    FAT32 vs. NTFS

    I checked...nothing in there really that has anything to do with hard drive errors or anything of the sort - any other ideas? I will keep looking...thanks.
  13. oribiasi

    FAT32 vs. NTFS

    Where is this Event Viewer utility?
  14. Hey all: I am in desperate need of GOOD Voodoo5 5500 PCI drivers for WindowsXP; after installing it and upon runniny q3 and various other games, nothing seemed to work @ all... Any idea? If you know of ANY good drivers for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI card under Windows XP, please post the ling -- this will be very much appreciated. I am in dire straights without them really... -oribiasi russo939@duq.edu
  15. oribiasi

    FAT32 vs. NTFS

    That's just it, there is no REAL error log, it just REBOOTS and the screen flashes black and the BIOS appears... Sometimes (although not ALL the time) it asks me to run chkdsk.exe after it boots...it blue screens, but it seems to be a gibberish error, lieke 006213616315313501351...
  16. oribiasi

    Needing help - ALL games crash with XP

    Good for you -- what did you end up doing?
  17. oribiasi

    Final Build Number?

    I installed WindowsXP a while ago (well, a few days) and I was just wondering what the final build for this OS is...mine reads as follows: [Version 5.1.2600] Well - I suppose it's build 2600 Anyone? -oribiasi russo939@duq.edu
  18. oribiasi

    Needing help - ALL games crash with XP

    New drivers maybe? Try DetonatorXP drivers...altho some have said they sort of are "bad" at times... http://www.nvidia.com They have em...as if you needed the link... -oribiasi russo939@duq.edu
  19. oribiasi

    Voodoo5 5500 PCI Drivers For WindowsXP

    It's nice to know that I have a little support...as for my dilemma, I think it's solved: I bought a GeForce3. So much for waiting for the guys @ x3dfx to come up with something...I'm selling this bad boy (the bad boy being my v5) on E-Bay shortly... Again, thanks for the comment, EddiE314 -oribiasi russo939@duq.edu