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About Dazultra2000

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  1. Dazultra2000

    Bluetooth and headsets

    You could use bluetooth if you really wanted to - but to me it seems like a lot of expense for something that can be achieved very easily with a normal wired headset. My guesses are that you will be in front of your computer when using the headset - so you don't really need the wireless abilities of the bluetooth, not to mentioon the fact that you'd need a bluetooth adaptor on your computer for it to work. Might as well just get a set of headphones with a built-in mic, and be done with it!
  2. Dazultra2000

    Graphics Problems with a 6600GT! Please Help!

    I get a fairly similar problem on my sparkle 6600GT. When playing world of warcraft on winxp sp2, after a while it would just stop dead, monitor would go into power saving and I get a variety of unhealthy noises (remember what modems sound like?) from my speakers. A reboot and everything is fine, and there are no problems whatsoever. That is, of course, until I play a game for a while again. I unlatched the side of my case, and it hasn't crashed like that again, but it does get very slight grapical corruption with a white diagonal line down the screen for a split-second every 20 secs or so - so I guess it's a heat issue! Gonna investigate a better cooler for the card. Probably one of those zalman things, although I hear they don't fit the AGP 6600GT very well.
  3. I had a massive system blowout and several of my components got fried. I had a 200GB SATA Maxtor Drive (6Y00L0 or something) onto which I had filled up with plenty of data, including my windows install. When it happened, I rebooted and it reported my registry had been destroyed, however, loading the windows recovery console crashed the machine and caused it to reboot. So I decided to reinstall windows on my other IDE drive and try to retrieve my data that way...although any time the drive was accessed, it'd reboot the machine again. That meant that I couldn't get into the new windows install. Unplug the drive and it's fine. I did briefly see an error in ntfs.sys...but it rebooted before I could see it. I just want to get that data back off the drive - any ideas?
  4. Dazultra2000

    winzip password crack

    I believe you have the wrong idea. This thread is about winzip passwords, as in passwords used to protect the contents of a created zipfile to stop other people using your archives. You are getting confused between this and the registration key used to register winzip.
  5. Dazultra2000

    Just Saw Matrix Reloaded *Possible Spoiler*

    I've had people ask me the same thing. But I haven't seen the film so I can't comment....but I doubt there's a relation.
  6. Dazultra2000

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    XPSP1, purely because Win2k isn't my friend. From the day I installed Win2K i had problems. It deleted my user profile after one day, deleted other random things during the first week, and then corrupted itself after the first month. I actually preferred winME to it My other machine has Win2K on it, and it works *ok*, although at first it detected my K6-2 500 as a 200MHz chip - which was nice of it. Also windows media player doesn't work on it. If the machine was of decent enough spec to run XP, it would be there in a flash. So I say XPSP1 8)
  7. Dazultra2000

    Is there no way to download this fix?

    I was actually having problems, and while I didn't install this particular patch, I did "borrow" the file from my friend's install of SP1 (build 1068) and it fixed it. Still haven't bothered with .net framework tho
  8. Dazultra2000

    Quake 3 + Intellimouse Optical

    Badaro - I wasn't referring to the "Enhance Pointer Precision" option, as that is there even if you don't install intellipoint, but ConQueso hit the nail right on the head, and has also saved my bacon! I had never seen that before. You've just made my life a LOT easier However, the problems with quake 3 still remain
  9. Dazultra2000

    Quake 3 + Intellimouse Optical

    The latest version of intellipoint doesn't allow you to do that unfortunately. It seems strange that they'd take it out, but they did, and I really miss the feature. However, it still affected Q3.
  10. Dazultra2000

    Quake 3 + Intellimouse Optical

    They stop working after you configure your controls. For some reason when you do that, directinput gets enabled and somehow disables the extra buttons. Only way to fix it is to restart Q3 and not configure controls.
  11. Dazultra2000

    OK to write on CDs?

    Well I for one have been using those CDRs for a while now, and they have been as reliable as my traditional favourites, so no complaints there. As for CDR pens, I used TDK branded "CD-R Pens", so I guess they are ok and up for the job
  12. Dazultra2000

    Weird DVD skipping problem

    hmm. It's all getting very confusing
  13. Dazultra2000

    Weird DVD skipping problem

    Hmm. I have my worries. Usually when I move a card I'll get a whole slew of IRQ conflicts and my system will keel over and die. It's happened many a time before.
  14. Dazultra2000

    Weird DVD skipping problem

    Aware of this I am already [/yoda] I conducted a lot of research into this when I was trying to get my SBLive working on my KT7-RAID. In the end I had to manually assign IRQs to everything, but it worked in the long run. When I put my audigy into my KT7, it worked straight away with no problems, so I assumed it would in my KR7A as well, as it did seem to, until these niggling problems came out. So, do you suggest that moving my audigy may stop all of my problems altogether?