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About Spank-n------

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  1. Spank-n------

    for those who play half life

    Yeah I tried those detonator drivers everything from the official release det3 to 12.20. However I get that damn "your video card does not support that video mode" error. Only fix I have so far is using the opengl.dll from Windows 2000 ver. 5.0.2160.1 Plus any det driver that utilizes DirectX 8.0a sucks in the D3d mode So I dropped back to det drivers and D3d works great just a lil laggy. Can I rename a dll extension without screwing it up? Peace, J
  2. Spank-n------


    Just out of curiosity, what opengl driver are you using with that gforce2 card? Peace, J
  3. Spank-n------

    for those who play half life

    It seems I cannot get HL to work in opengl with a GeForce2 32mb mx video card. Runs laggy in D3d and I just upgraded from 3dfx banshee using custom drivers. Specs: Abit BE-6 latest bios PIII 550 Win2k Pro servpk 1 SBLive Plat NVidia GF2mx using nvoglnt.dll ver for OpenGL driver. Is there a solution to this? Thanks guys for lookin into it! J