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Everything posted by Statts

  1. Statts

    Football Manager, The F.A. Premier League 2000

    hmmm...Now this is a tricky one , I purchased this game back in November under the understanding that it was in fact w2k compatible (it says on the box that it is) but since then I have had nothing but grief with it . Main problem is that it crashes randomly back to desktop when it feels like it , usually after every match. Have tried everything and anything to fix this problem , EA even had a patch that they alleged fixed this problem , no joy on that one either. So....buy it at your own risk I guess , overall I personally dont trust EA unless I am 100 percent sure ,and have a guarantee I can return the product to the store. Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Seffy: Is the EA Sports Game "Football Manager, The F.A. Premier League 2001" compatible wit</font>
  2. Statts

    Tiger Woods 2001

    EA Sports...even when they say on the box that the game works in Win2k (FA Prem League Mgr 2001) then its sketchy at best , repeated crashes so on so forth.I for one wont partake in buying anything else from these guys until they wake up and smell the coffee ,I can understand it when a game is not specified for Win2k , but this is just a joke.
  3. Statts

    Win2k Games Compatibility list????

    alternative site that may be of help to you. http://home-3.worldonline.nl/~scififan/win2000/games.html Good Luck Quote: Originally posted by slewis1972: Hi, I found a while ago a web site listing games that can be played on Win2k, along with any info on patches etc that nead to be installed. It was not a microsoft web site. I though have lost the URl, do anyone knoe of a wb site that does this. Thanks Scott
  4. Statts

    Madden 2k1 and Win2k Pro

    Quote: Originally posted by Radelon: I can't get it to work......I noticed on the game compatibility list it says something about a patch.....I can't seem to find one anywhere....can someone give me a link or send me the patch. Further to my earlier posting , this is actually the site where you can get the patch for Madden 2001. http://catchthenflfever.com/madden/ Have Fun!
  5. Statts

    Madden 2k1 and Win2k Pro

    Quote: Originally posted by Radelon: I can't get it to work......I noticed on the game compatibility list it says something about a patch.....I can't seem to find one anywhere....can someone give me a link or send me the patch. Heres a Link to a pretty useful site , also has the links for the applicable patches you may well need. http://home-3.worldonline.nl/~scififan/win2000/games.html hope this helps Regards
  6. Statts

    E.A Prem League Mgr 2001 - Win2k

    Could Anyone tell me if possible if this is compatible with Win2k , with or without patches , I have checked all the compatibility boards as yet to no avail. Any help in the above most welcome. Regards