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Everything posted by CYBz

  1. CYBz

    Win98 and win2k... but

    Is there problem if i install win98 after win2k on the same partition than win2k ? (in FAT32 of course...)
  2. CYBz

    SB live 1024 not detected ?!

    Hello, My Sb live doesn't work, she was not detected when i want to install Live!Ware ! Please help me, and sorry if this question have already be posted .
  3. CYBz

    SB live 1024 not detected ?!

    yeah, all done, it work Thx
  4. CYBz

    SB live 1024 not detected ?!

    Thanx, i'm now re-installing [properly] win2k... i'll try it and see !
  5. CYBz

    SB live 1024 not detected ?!

    Hmm i've a TNT agp and a SB Live, i've seen in old post that there is many irq conflit with agp and Sblive... And in my control panel i can't see ACPI switch mode , where is the problem ? In my bios the ACPI fonction was enabled...
  6. Hello, i've a problem with my TNT card under win2k. I've tested the default driver, the latest detonnator... but in the properties of the card i've "This device can't start. (Code 10)" With win98 no problem, with nt this... Anyone have already had this problem ? My card is a Diamond Viper v550 mothercard : BH6
  7. CYBz

    Problem with TNT card in win2k

    Thanx a lot it work