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Everything posted by Muzzy

  1. Weel, I would like to change my the default directory for profiles C:\Document and Settings\ of my Win2k Pro. I'll like to put this directory into another disk or partition by default. Can anybody helps me? Regards
  2. Muzzy


    Can someone tell about the essentials services for a home user with lan modem internet conection? Other thing, I've unistalled a program, but the service appears at my service list disabled, how can I delete it?
  3. Muzzy

    Sidewinder 4.0

    What about install sidewinder 4.0 software under Windows 2000 Pro? I've tried several times like Administrator, but I get a message telling I need Administrator rights
  4. Muzzy

    Windows 2000 Profiles

    With TweakUI I can chenge some system directories, like Program Files, My Documents, etc., but not the whole Documents and Settings dir. Another idea?