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Everything posted by wlightn

  1. wlightn

    Professional vs server

    One advantage that Server has over Professional, is if you are planning on using the computer for any internet hosting. Professional allows one ftp site, and one web site. Server can have multiple. Both have SMTP support, but server has NNTP(Nice to hook up for the weekend on your favourite newsgroups.). The big plus about all this, is that Server also has an Administration Web Site. This is an asp version of the Internet Services Manager. It allows you to change virtually EVERYTHING from a remote computer. Oh yeah, and Server allows direct IP filtering. Professional doesn't. (As far as internet hosting crap.)
  2. I run Win2k Server, with the 5.22 detonator drivers. A few minutes ago, I installed the liveware for win2k, that is available on the creative site. After installing it, I loaded up GameSpy, and launched Half-Life. For some reason, now as my screen refreshes(30+ frames per second, as I run a GeForce DDR.), my screen actually refreshes. The whole screen is flickering like crazy, and it won't stop. I still get 50+ fps, however, the screen refreshes, is driving me nuts. I thought I'd update the video drivers after I did this, to see if that would fix it, so I installed the 5.30 drivers. Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Does anyone else have any idea of what would cause this? Or better yet, how to remedy it?? This happened once before, when I did a clean install, and installed the 5.25 reference drivers. I'd REALLY like NOT to have to reload my system(again). If you have any information, please let me know. Thanks!!!
  3. The flicker is only in OpenGL mode...
  4. I run Win2k Server, with the 5.22 detonator drivers. A few minutes ago, I installed the liveware for win2k, that is available on the creative site. After installing it, I loaded up GameSpy, and launched Half-Life. For some reason, now as my screen refreshes(30+ frames per second, as I run a GeForce DDR.), my screen actually refreshes. The whole screen is flickering like crazy, and it won't stop. I still get 50+ fps, however, the screen refreshes, is driving me nuts. I thought I'd update the video drivers after I did this, to see if that would fix it, so I installed the 5.30 drivers. Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Does anyone else have any idea of what would cause this? Or better yet, how to remedy it?? This happened once before, when I did a clean install, and installed the 5.25 reference drivers. I'd REALLY like NOT to have to reload my system(again). If you have any information, please let me know. Thanks!!!
  5. wlightn

    Willenium has digital audio that works...

    Actually, I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but you are wrong about the digital audio. Using a digital output from a CD-ROM device, into a digital input to a sound card, requires nothing, except the drivers of the sound card have to support it. The Digital Audio method that is built in, is for if you have NO audio cable. It reads the cd audio, as if it were data(over the IDE/SCSI cable), and then sends it to your sound card. It's a high CPU-utilization process, but if you don't have a digital output on your CD-ROM, on it works on your system, it can improve the sound quality. So they say.
  6. I have had a problem happen, approximately 10 times or so. 8 times out of the 10, it's been Internet Explorer v5.5 that craps out, but the other 2, it's been Half-Life. I'll click on a link, and the hard drive gets pegged for about 15-20 seconds, then the window just disappears. In Half-Life, I remember that one was during a map change, as the game was coming back up, into the second map. I get no blue screens, or any errors for that matter.
  7. I run Win2k Server, with the 5.22 detonator drivers. A few minutes ago, I installed the liveware for win2k, that is available on the creative site. After installing it, I loaded up GameSpy, and launched Half-Life. For some reason, now as my screen refreshes(30+ frames per second, as I run a GeForce DDR.), my screen actually refreshes. The whole screen is flickering like crazy, and it won't stop. I still get 50+ fps, however, the screen refreshes, is driving me nuts. I thought I'd update the video drivers after I did this, to see if that would fix it, so I installed the 5.30 drivers. Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Does anyone else have any idea of what would cause this? Or better yet, how to remedy it?? This happened once before, when I did a clean install, and installed the 5.25 reference drivers. I'd REALLY like NOT to have to reload my system(again). If you have any information, please let me know. Thanks!!!
  8. wlightn

    LiveWare 3.0 for Win2K screwed up my video..

    My bad, I didn't mean LiveWare 3.0 for Win2K...(Was just reading about it, and eagerly anticipating the release. hehe)
  9. wlightn


    I found it out on the usenet, and I uploaded it to Aegeas. For those who want to find it on the web, here's a link..There are several more, but the moderators of the Counter-Strike Forum deleted the post. http://www.visper.net/