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Compatible Support Forums

Mr Thing

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Posts posted by Mr Thing

  1. i fiddled around with nero..and it works fine...apart from it now refuses to copy any files either on the fly or otherwise from my second cd-rom..it always says that access is denied when cacheing...but will do everything else with no probs? anyone have an idea why it is just doing this from CD's? is there something i am not doing right?

  2. Which one actually works under win2k? As i tried using nero with the updated dll..and i keep getting runtime errors, when it is caching the files before burning to the cd. Any help appreciated

  3. i think this topic is being addresed in about three different threads at the mo..but from what i gather, the present drivers are just to tie those over who have sblive cards on win2k, until liveware 3 is released...which is supposed to be any time now....
