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Posts posted by someone_nt

  1. Maybe because people prefer Full screen antialiasing done in Hardware, and not in Software mode, like Geoforce cards :-).


    BTW: Glide sucks! Use OpenGL instead!

  2. Win9x files:

    (root folder)









    Your 0 byte partition:


    Try to get a linux distribution, such as Mandrake 7.0 (yes, this really works, guys), and boot from there. Use Linux's fdisk (/bin/fdisk) to see you partition table. Then delete it with 'd' command.


    Linux fdisk is better than win2000 disk manager, since it doesn't complain so much about "being or not accessible" your drive.

  3. This may sound a bit too harsh, but wasn't MS-DOS far more stable than any Windows OS? Do you remember seeing KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED in DOS?


    The only problems you could eventually face would be not having enough conventional memory free.


    Windows 2000 is great if your hardware likes it, otherwise you will be ****ed (yeah! As it sounds:****ED):

    In my PC:


    - Asus p5 motherboards need a bios update (1010 beta 2) and ali agp driver 0.20.


    -Creative SBlive needs better drivers (Liveware 2000 sucks, and no liveware 3 until mid-may...).


    -Riva TNT cards need both a bios update (There was a previous post about this issuo some days ago), and drivers not newer than 3.78 RC. Otherwise, spect crashes when using internet apps.


    But AFTER ALL THIS UPGRADING, YOU GET AN OS FAR BETTER THAN ANY 9X STUFF. No more crashes, and faster than anything (well, excluding Linux, of course).


    To be true, Windows 2000 is better than Windows ME, which as I always though, sucks!

  4. Thanks for the info!!!!! I was sick of that problem. I also have a p5a and I could never use Internet App's becausse of that problem. Thanks to this, now I can use getitright under w2k and get rid of win98 for internet purposes ( I only use it to run VGS and bleem :-) ).


    PS: Windows ME sucks!!!!!

  5. When I connect to the internet using an external modem (3 com US Robotics 56K), it just reboots my system without even giving me a nice BSOD (note:I've unchecked the automatically reboot on failure checkbox found in System Properties-> Startup and recovery. It still does the same). This reboots vary from 10 to 15 minutes after being online.


    When I'm lucky enough, a nice BSOD appear s giving me a KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, A00000 3xxxxxx win32k.sys.


    Previously my system crashed when I played 3d games. I installed Ali AGP driver for windows 2000. Now my games work. But my problems with Internet are still present.


    In an Asus messageboard, sometime ago, I found a user that had a similar problem, but with NT 4.0. Is it a problem of NT architecture? My modem has been working fine under windows 98, Linux and Beos. Why doesn't it work fine?


    Here are my specs:

    -Asus p5a (with BIOS 1010 beta 2)

    -creative graphics blaster riva tnt (using creative 5/2000 drivers for windows 2000; and ALI AGP Driver for windows 2000)

    -Sound Blaster Live with liveware 2000

    -Windows 2000 Pro in ACPI mode.

  6. Just install Ali Agp driver for windows 2000!! I have an Asus p5A with 1010 beta 2 bios, and it works.


    Although it is a beta driver, it really SOLVES many crashes, specially the ones concerning about games.

    before, I couldn't play Indiana Jones and the infernal machine in Windows 2000 Pro. Now I can play for hours without a single crash. I am also using 3.78 Rc2 windows 2000 drivers from nvidia, because they are the most stable right by now.


    The only two problems I still encounter are that Windows 2000 still puts a BSOD after sometime when I connect to internet (K_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED) [by the way, is anybody having similar crashes with another videocard?) , and also, the Windowed mode performance of DirectDraw & direct3d app is pathetical (compare 10 FPS Window to 60 FPS in fullscreen mode). Though I beleive that is caused because of the specifical NT architecture (GDI model is diferent).


    So, be nice and install ali's beta driver (www.ali.com.tw). it is not a perfect solution, but you will be able to play games at least :-)

  7. Just install Ali Agp driver for windows 2000!! I have an Asus p5A with 1010 beta 2 bios, and it works.


    Although it is a beta driver, it really SOLVES many crashes, specially the ones concerning about games.

    before, I couldn't play Indiana Jones and the infernal machine in Windows 2000 Pro. Now I can play for hours without a single crash. I am also using 3.78 Rc2 windows 2000 drivers from nvidia, because they are the most stable right by now.


    The only two problems I still encounter are that Windows 2000 still puts a BSOD after sometime when I connect to internet (K_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED) [by the way, is anybody having similar crashes with another videocard?) , and also, the Windowed mode performance of DirectDraw & direct3d app is pathetical (compare 10 FPS Window to 60 FPS in fullscreen mode). Though I beleive that is caused because of the specifical NT architecture (GDI model is diferent).


    So, be nice and install ali's beta driver (www.ali.com.tw). it is not a perfect solution, but you will be able to play games at least :-)
