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Everything posted by RattDawg

  1. RattDawg

    Win2k + D3D = Lockup

    As far as I can tell it has something to do with the Hollywood Plus beta drivers. I had the 5.13 drivers installed and d3d ran fine then I installed Hollywood plus and had issues d3d wouldnt run. To fix it I had to reinstall Win2000. If anyone has a fix Please post.
  2. RattDawg

    5.14 and Counter-Strike

    Actually 5.14 are betas and you wont find them at nvidia's site you can find them at reactorcritical.com Good Luck
  3. RattDawg

    Any good TV Tuners?

    My Bad, I misunderstood him when we was talking about that he has reinstalled 98 to get it to work (he had duel monitor issues as well) but says ATI should have drivers soon. I do know that 3dfx's beta driver runs extremely well and they use the same tuner. Sorry for the misunderstanding ------------------ Dont be afraid to face the unknown!!
  4. RattDawg

    Any good TV Tuners?

    My Freind has that card and says it works if you upgrade the drivers from the ATI site. ------------------ Dont be afraid to face the unknown!!
  5. RattDawg

    Any good TV Tuners?

    Ive got a VooDoo 3 3500 T.V. installed on my wife's computer with Win 2K. I installed it with 3dfx 2k betas and it has been running flawless for 3 weeks now. Also as far as I can tell 3d performance has been running smooth. ATI TV Wonder has the same tuner. (Phillips) Kicks butt!!!