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Everything posted by jw

  1. jw

    win98/nt dual boot?

    1-i put win98 (fat32) on the c :(seperate h-drive)master. 2-i put nt 4.0 (fat) on d :(seperate h-drive)as a slave. 3-i boot up to win98.(no dual boot choice) 4-is there suppose to be a dual boot screen generated by nt on the c: drive? thanks,jw
  2. jw

    I need this file!!!!!!!!

    no no, it's too late--i can't help but reply. give me win2k,or give me death!
  3. jw

    Dual boot help needed plz

    wow and then some---i think i got my answer to the dual-boot phenomena as long as it's the same for nt(not win2k).i to have two h-drives only win98/nt 4.0.
  4. jw

    same old nt trouble

    2 weeks ago i was trying to get this solved and i'm still stuck. I loaded nt 4.0.I tried to load aol 5.0.from the cd.It would only load 3.0. I tried to load service pack 3(nt said it at least required this).no go! Same thing with service pack 6. With sp6 it downloaded a 13.4 meg file.--ok--when i click on it,--it says:"sp6i386 is not a valid win nt application" on the microsoft site, it said i needed ie explorer 4.0 to download the service packs.(i have ie explorer 2.0 on the nt disk) IS THERE A HUMANLY WAY OF MAKING NT 4.0 WORK WITH A HIGHER VERSION OF AOL WITHOUT GOING INSANE? I have no software laying around of any of this stuff. thanks all for your help, but need new ideas. jw
  5. jw

    Need AOL 5.0 for Win2K

    hey hey sandoval he was talking about win2k if you were paying attention.aol ain't perfect but they gave me free dsl service and a dsl modem because of my length of service. there are perks if you can hang in there a while(and you got money) and not jump around from every tom,dick and harry that gives you the latest months freebe internet.
  6. i have-300mmx amd-k\6,160 ram, matrox g200 sd/pci 8 meg,usb,ext aol-dsl modem,etc clutch or anyone else this is my nt update: i loaded nt on a 4 gig h-drive,results: 1-it will only load aol 3.o(bad). 2-it will not load office 2000 without service pack 3.(bad-Internet Explorer-5 on this disk) 3-when i try to d-load service pack 3(much less the latest 6a)error message says:"this program does not support the protocol for accessing d-loads" 4-so far, no usb support(bad-for my dsl and web cam) 5-(GOOOD)UNREAL PLAYS THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN WITHOUT UP[censored] VID DRIVERS. 6-had to put this hard drive back in too post this message(normal) QUESTION----?? is a service pack gonna help me or will win2k support all the above? or is linux my future? thanks so much for your help,jw (will not trade out h-drives till i get a reply--geeez what a life)
  7. jw

    nt in reverse/w2k going forward?

    Quote: Originally posted by clutch: I love Win2K. I used to love NT 4.0 (and still like it a lot) but Win2K Pro is a mjor improvement. I don't know what it will be like for you with a 300MHz AMD proc tho, but everything else should be great. If you keep NT, just use the Service Packs that I told you about and you will be fine. I have Office 2K on a few machines here at work and they have WinNT 4.0 SP5 on them. What kind of mobo do you have? I have heard of the nightmares that others have had with some mobos so you may want to check that out. ok, i give---whats mobo? i'm having a hard time finding the right service packs from ms.my nt only allows aol 3.0 to work.is there a way too get the sp3,4,5 in my condition?jw
  8. jw

    loading nt 4.0

    i have a 300mmx amd k6-3/d, 160 ram. i'm using my win98 bootup disk with cd rom drivers to get too where i can load nt.doesen't work. i formated the harddrive and added system files,still won't install.how and where do i make an nt boot disk?under i386? i tried to install nt on my d drive while in c drive(win98 in c).that doesn't work.any suggestions?jw
  9. jw

    nt setup/partition

    i have a amd-k6/3-d 300mmx,160 ram.i am installing nt 4.0 on a 4 gig h-drive.i formatted the h-drive with fat32 from a win98 bootup disk.i booted up and put in the 3 disks. on the last disk the screen says, setup cannot find your nt partition. before setting up with these three disks, i created two partitions(the first 3902m, the second 126m)assuming nt would see the large one. oh well--thats where i'm at.any ideas? do i need to format the h-drive with a nt disk that has ntfs on it? where do i make such a disk? doing it the hard way,thanks jw
  10. jw

    nt setup/partition

    Quote: Originally posted by clutch: NP bud. Do this; 1. Fdisk the HD into 2 partitions (one of which being a little less than 2GB) 2. Run winnt setup from floppies 3. Pick first partition to install NT to 4. Let it format the partition with FAT16 5. Install NT 6. Rejoice in the fact that you have a real OS installed that has almost no native support for games. oh no----how will i play unreal tournament? import drivers up the wazoo?
  11. jw

    nt setup/partition

    Quote: Originally posted by clutch: OK, I think I know what you are trying to do. You want to dual-boot between Win98 AND NT, correct? This is easy with NT. It looks like you have about 4GB to work with, so I would say you can split the drive down the middle so you can have separate and clean installs (You can have NT and 98 on the same partition, but it would have to be FAT16 which would make it a 2GB primary partition anyway). Now, are you familiar with the use of "fdisk"? Because you can use that to make 2 2GB partitions (FAT16) to prepare for your install. Next, after you format the primary partition with your Win98 startup disk, install 98 onto the first (c:\) partition. After you have that up and ready to go, you can either: 1. Use the NT boot disks to install NT; or 2. Run "winnt.exe" from the cd (with the "/b" switch that I mentioned in the other post to go floppyless if you like) to get the files copied to your hd. Once you reboot and get to the point that you can install NT to a partition, it will show you your current setup. You should see an entry for "Windows" on the primary partition and the other partition will should indicate that it's "empty". If you didn't format the other partition it will ask you for the file system type that you want to use. For now, I would suggest FAT16, as this will give you a chance to work with the install from Win98 if you need to. I hope this gets you goin'! Good Luck. some people just won't go away. i'm makin this harder than it should be. for now clutch, i just want NT on the h-drive by it self, NO DUAL BOOT! when i use the nt setup disks it says it can't see the nt partition(repeating myself).is there a simple partition here that will allow me maximum h-drive space for nt? thanks,jw
  12. jw

    nt setup/partition

    Quote: Originally posted by clutch: It should see it still, but it will ask you if you want to delete and make another. Then you will be prompted to pick a file system (fat16 or NTFS). thanks clutch.i have too plan ahead here because i have to remove h-dives to load nt.you say it's ok too use the win98 startup disk to make my partition?i should make a 2gig partition available?should i make a primary 2gig,and an extended rest of the harddrive?should i put in a volume label so nt will know to go there?DO I NEED ANY NT PARTITIONING BOOTUP DISKS?JW