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    Which is fastest, NTFS or FAT32?

    NTFS is by far a superior file system. FAT32 is a hacked together peice of crap. They are in NO way even similar. FAT32 stores everything in what is known as a Linked List. It has a begining and an end, like this; File1 - File2 - File3......FileN. To get to FileN, the computer starts at File1 and follows the list down. This is very slow. NTFS, however, stores files in what is known as a B-Tree. This stores files in a tre structure like this; File1 / \ File2 File3 / \ / \ File4 File5....... This makes accessing files very fast because the problem size is cut in half at each level of the list. So, to answer the question, NTFS is far superior.