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Everything posted by simonroockley

  1. simonroockley

    Win2k/98se sharing _was_ working....

    had similar problems and solved them by renabling by guest account on the W2K machine.
  2. simonroockley

    Heavy Gear ll

    It's in the downloads section on this site. It will also patche back the other way too.
  3. simonroockley

    Heavy Gear ll

    rently there was a hack released by someone where you could change what version DX7 reports itself as. I did have it but it is now lost. The link to it was on the news section of this website some time ago so it may be in the archives somwhere.
  4. simonroockley

    Windows 98!

    A lot of the time it isn't that the games are checking for windows 95 it's also to do with poor coding on the application/game side of things because they haven't stuck to win32 specifications when programming it. Windows 2000 is the best operating system I have seen from microsoft and with the X-box being based around a Win2k kernel more games should be compatible in the near future.
  5. simonroockley

    Battlezone2 comments........

    Yes Activision. Just Apologies and asking for log files. It's all a bit slow for the moment. I'm on GMT and their on PST so I usually have to wait 7 hours before they even read it. Will get there in the end.
  6. simonroockley

    Battlezone2 comments........

    I've been contacted by them, with apologies and I have now got a permanent contact. If you have any further information for them about the error or anything that really helps, I will pass it on to them. Simon
  7. simonroockley

    Battlezone2 comments........

    After 2 seperate emails and being ignored I've sent this email to Activision, hopefully rather than just being ignored I'll recieve some sort of answer this time. If I hear any news i'll post it. I get Access violations after about 10 mins (if I'm lucky) I like the game and its forerunner but I've already sent 2 emails before this about the same subject and have just received mails that copy what the knowledge base says. When I reply to these I get ignored and am starting to get very frustrated. All I want to know is is this going to be fixed or should I just get a refund and just stop buying Activision products because you cant release them in a decent state, can't supply patches to make them work and ignore the customers' emails. I'm not the only person who feels this way, I talk to many people who own the same game and are equally annoyed at what seems to be a complete lack of interest on this company's part. Yes I've got the latest drivers. Yes I've got a decent power supply. This is the only games that crashes. Thanks Simon
  8. simonroockley

    Games in Win98/Win2k

    You do'nt need to reinstall it. Unlike many windows apps it doesnt put any files into the windows directory ot any vital information into the registry. it keeps everything it needs in it own directory so the most you will need is a shortcut on your desktop or taskbar.
  9. simonroockley

    Iomega ZIP Parallel

  10. simonroockley

    how do i edit startup programs

    Back up registry before doing this. run regedit and open folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, CurrentVersion, Run and look for the names of applications running there. Delete only the keys that you know for sure are the programs you want to get rid of.
  11. simonroockley

    smp Q3 problems. can you help?

    Running the 3.66 drivers meerly cripples some of the features of the geforce this can be seen in benchmarking programs. This means that the chip is using less power and this may also be the reason that the geforce becomes more stable
  12. simonroockley

    Can't See Windows 98 Computers!

    I've posted this before under the slow network connections post. A way round this is to use the host.sam and LMHost.sam files during the dns lookup stage, NTx and 9x use these as a backup to DNS (if you look in the TCP/IP properties in NTx you will ses under DNS an option to lookup LMhost). You do this by using notepad to edit the files and enter the entries in the format of the example within the file. i.e. user1 user2 This should also help speed up network browsing. This is also a good way of solving browsing problems on a machine that is on two seperate ip domains. Hope this helps Simon This seems to clear up a lot of TCP/IP evils under NTx and 9x Another way is to add another protocl to every machine ie netbeui or IPX compatible.
  13. simonroockley

    Problem wtih refresh rate?

    Important. Before you attempt this backup your registry. If you do a search in your registry for Refresh Rate you will find folders that mirror your screen resolution i.e. 640, 800, 1024 in these folder are the refresh rates for each resolution (it's usually -1 which translates to 60 Hz) set this to an acceptable refresh rate that you , your monitor and your graphics card can handle. Keep searching through the registry because these folders appear twice and keep setting the values.
  14. simonroockley

    smp Q3 problems. can you help?

    You're using a BP6 aren't you. I had the same problem. The best way I've found of geting it to work with a geforce is to switch the AGP from 2/3 to 1/1, I've never had a Q3 crash since even after playing Internet games for 5-6 hours. Another way that worked on another system of mine was to upgrade the power supply from a crappy 200w to 300w and make sure to 3.3v line is capable of supplying a lot of current if needs be.
  15. simonroockley

    Change Driveletter from Bootpartition

    I'm only running single boot and I had the same problem. The way I fixed it was drastic. I changed the letter of the drive claiming to be C to a higher one. (also at this point demote a dynamic disk to a simple one). I then had to format the system drive and reinstall Win2K again. Its pants but there is nothiing you can do. Also having the system drive or partition as a higher letter makes it easier to keep your system drive clear of all the programs that seem to clog it up.
  16. simonroockley

    Iomega ZIP Parallel

    There is a fix on the microsoft site that may help. www.microsoft.com/windows2000
  17. simonroockley

    SLOW network browsing in Win2K....

    A way round this is to use the host.sam and LMHost.sam files during the dns lookup stage, NTx and 9x use these as a backup to DNS (if you look in the TCP/IP properties in NTx you will ses under DNS an option to lookup LMhost). You do this by using notepad to edit the files and enter the entries in the format of the example within the file. i.e. user1 user2 This should also help speed up network browsing. This is also a good way of solving browsing problems on a machine that is on two seperate ip domains. Hope this helps Simon
  18. simonroockley

    Battlezone 2 Win2K Possible fix ?

    I've got a Geforce and have found that you get better stability if you set AGP to 1x and switch out sideband addressing and fast writes, this increases disk accessing but this can be reduced by lowering the resolution and effects. Also the error messages are giving more information and telling me that 'directx6?' cannot use hardware acceleration.
  19. simonroockley

    W2K + BP6 + MPS1.4 + USB possible?

    One to watch out for is that if you are using 2 cpus make sure that the drivers are compatible with multi cpu systems. I've been getting IRQL equal to or less than blue screen of deaths.