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Everything posted by Strikeman

  1. Strikeman

    Services, which should be running

    Hello, So im looking at the processes running in Win2k and Im trying to figure out what some of these are for: SVCHOST.exe INETINFO.exe SERVICES.exe POPROXY.exe SVCHOST.exe they take up allot of ram and I want to know if there is something I can do about it. Strikeman
  2. Strikeman

    ACK IIS 5

    So I installed Win2k Professional the other day. So by today I was just about done setting up all my software, setting up the users accounts ect. So I get to installing my Visual Studio stuff and all goes well. So I figure Ill see how IIS 5 works. So I start up VisInterDev and make a sample project. I then goto IIS Admin and goto the Directory Security. Since I don't want to publish this page to the whole WWW. But low and behold the IP Restrictions area is greyed out...WTF. So I do a F1 and what does it say...IP Restrictions feature is only available in Win2k Server...ACK. I know it was in the Beta, and thats pretty lame of Microsoft. I had no idea they did that. I have Server but Its such a pain in the butt casue I just installed Pro and everthing is going fine except for that IIS blunder. So my question is can I upgrade to Server without doing a wipe of my Professional, Can I just upgrade from within Pro? And should I even be using server? I just use 2k for my devstuff, along with the misc stuff, Word processing and surfing the web. And help would be appreciated. Strikeman
  3. Strikeman

    Toasted my NT Server

    File this one under the dumb move category. So im cleaning up my HD so I can format then install Win2k, And I deleted the backoffice components from the HD. I also installed Win98SE after that. Now when I try to get into NT Server it gets past the logon screen then just freezes up. The mouse moves and I can see the desktop but the hourglass stays on. I was goin to toast NT Server anyway, I just would like to use it until I get some free time to Format my HD's. Any Help would be appreciated. Strikeman
  4. Strikeman

    Toasted my NT Server

    Looks like NT Workstation too. I havent used it since my Win98SE install and it does the same thing Server does, It acts like its slow as hell when it starting up the services after log on. Then it just seems to die. Just great really friggen great. Now I cant do anything today Grrrrrrrrrrr. Strikeman
  5. Strikeman

    Whats up with Nvidia(W2K Drivers)

    Cmon no support for legacy products. What about poor fools like me with Riva 128's, Do they want to buy me a new GeForce? Sure they have drivers for the TNT and GeForce but not the Riva, that just sucks. Strikeman
  6. Strikeman

    Direct 3d support for Riva 128 ZX card

    I dont knwo what the previous post was talking about, but the GeForce drivers arent in the same category as the Riva 128. I too have the Stb Velocity 128 and I would just love to get new drivers that have D3D in win 2k. Strikeman
  7. Strikeman

    IIS in Professional

    Is it true that IIS is not in the Final Build of Win2k Professional. I know it was in RC1. IF its not will there be an option pack for it? My predicament is that I got NT Server free when I Puchased VisualStudio Enterprise, It came with BackOffice 4.0. I would love to use Win2k Server, but Im not going to pay 500$. Any ideas for me? Strikeman
  8. Strikeman

    IIS in Professional

    Thanks again YuppiScum, I mean in terms of price how can I go wrong for $200, I get all the OSes that combind would equal well over $1000. I am gueesing I will get the January release then the Febuary after that, but I've never done this before so I dunno. I know Win2k versions are in the Febuary and all the rest are in the January. Oh well, should be here by next week Ill let you guys know how it goes Strikeman
  9. Strikeman

    IIS in Professional

    I guess im a little paranoid after I forked over my $200+, but the Windows versions included with MSDN are full versions, and not time fused right? Strikeman
  10. Strikeman

    IIS in Professional

    Thanks again for the replies, So here is my situation, should I buy win2k for 150$ or buy MSDN Pro with my academic price of 300$, with MSDN Pro I am assuming I get all the flavors of W2K plus all the other MSDN goodies. Im leaning towards getting MSDN Pro, Since I am graduating this May, I might as well use any academic prices I can get, while I can right Strikeman
  11. Strikeman

    IIS in Professional

    Thanks YuppieScum, Someone who has Win2k pro told me that, I guess he didnt know either. Thanks for the reply, I sure am glad I wont have to either A. Get a MSDN Professional subscription or B. Buy Win2k Server. One more question, If I purchase the upgrade version from win nt, is it still the full version on the cd, with just the addition of version checking? Thanks again Strikeman