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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Mark W

    4 Speakers with SB Live in RC2??

    It seems like you can only have one input (Wave in most cases) on all 4 speakers. You can change which input by choosing it in the Play Control, Recording properties control panel, but I can only choose one at a time. It looks like the "What-u-hear" setting of livware is missing. Anybody have any way to get 4 speaker output from more then one source simultaneously (ie line in, aux, cd, & wave)? To add to the xp weirdness - When I play an audio file from WMP it plays on both sets of speakers, but in winamp, it only plays in the front. This is with the WaveOut plugin. I will try others later to see if it makes a difference.
  2. I am thinking of jumping on the AMD bandwagon any day now. Is there a difference between an unlocked 1.2 Tbird running at multiplier of 9, 133 fsb and the new Tbirds made to run at 133 fsb? Is there any reason to get one over the other? Also, any suggestions about putting a new tbird rig together would be welcome. Right now I am leaning toward the Abit KT7A-Raid as a mobo. Win2k compatibility and performance is a high priority. Thanks.
  3. A friend of mine has an older system based on a Celeron 366@550 and a BX6R2 motherboard. He now wants to upgrade. Abit's web site lists the fastest CPU as a PIII 700. Will a faster CPU work? If yes, are there any drawbacks to doing this (chipset bottlenecks...)? Thanks for any advice.
  4. Mark W

    Abit KT7A + Win2k

    I am thinking about doing the same. Tbird+KT7a-Raid and am looking for the same kind of info. Best drivers, win2k installation tips, etc. This will be my first move away from Intel so I'm learning as I go. By the way, how did you guys decide what speed tbird to get? Do you overclock and if yes what speed do you plan on getting?
  5. Mark W

    Old BX6 Rev 2 mobo - Fastest CPU?

    He's got PC100 memory and is running it @ 100 now (Celeron 366 @ 5.5 x 100 = 550). I don't think the board will have problems with coppermines or C2s. Isn't the P3 700 (that is supported according to Abit's site)a coppermine? (The one I had was.) Before I tell him one way or the other, I'd love to hear from somebody that is running this board with a > 700 CPU or at least somebody that tried and failed. I just want to give him the right info so he can make his choice knowing all the options. Thanks.
  6. Mark W

    KT7A or not?

    After years of Intel chips I am seriously thinking about jumping on the AMD bandwagon. I was thinking about getting the Abit KT7A, but reading recent posts about problems has made me hesitate. Does anybody have any good experiences with this board? How about a better recommendation? I use Win2k almost exclusively with Win Me as a last resort for games that don't like win2k. Win2k stability and performance is of the essence.
  7. Mark W

    Hauppauge WinTV pci picture problems "again" ?

    SHS: Is the WDM driver really much better for you? I found the picture to be much less sharp (fuzzy even) in comparision to the VFW driver that (knock on wood) does not give me any problems. Am I missing something?
  8. Mark W

    NHL 2001 DirectX Error...please help

    Anyone else have this problem? I was about to move to dx8a, but I won't if this happens.
  9. Mark W

    Problem w/ Ghost 2001, Win2k and paging files

    I had a similar problem when restoring to a partition with a different drive letter then the original system partition. I never did get it solved properly. The only thing I could suggest is to "play" around with your partitions and try to make the drive letter of the system partition the same as it was in the image.
  10. Mark W

    "Always On Top" not always

    Recently, items that should have the "always on top" property don't seem to be working properly. Namely, I am having trouble with the Start/Task Bar (especially when set to auto hide), and Hauppauge's WinTV when not in full window mode. Sometimes the only way I can get to the task bar is to press the window button on my keyboard. Any suggestions?
  11. My icons in the expanded control panel (start>settings>control Panel>...) are all messed up. They all show as folders with jibberish text. When I open the full control panel in explorer, everything is ok. I have tried disabling/enabling the expanded control panel but it was no help. Any ideas?
  12. Mark W

    Expanded Control Panel All Messed Up!

    Thanks. I'll try it. The funny thing is, sometimes the icons are there and work perfectly, and sometimes they are all messed up. I'm not running any desktop control utilities.
  13. Mark W

    NHL 2001

    Quote: Originally posted by greatgonzo: I saw the 2GBFreeSpaceEx thing and thought that it might work if I got my hard drive under 2 GB, it would work. Lo and behold, it worked fine. So if you can get your hard drive under 2 gigs, it might work. I don't know whether or not this will work for everyone else, but it's worth a shot. What exactly do you mean? Free space less than 2 gb or total drive size or what?
  14. Mark W

    NHL 2001

    Peejay, I am in the same boat as you - The unofficial "fix" doesn't work for me either. I do have a dual boot though and I understand that if I create a season in Win Me, I should be able to play it in win2k, but obviously this is a "work around" that shoud not be nec***ary. However, I haven't given up up yet, maybe if we continue to yell and screen enough, ea will get their act together. Keep us posted with your findings.
  15. Mark W

    WinTV WDM and DirectX 8

    Can someone explain the difference between the VFW and WDM drivers? I am using the standard (VFW I guess) driver and am pretty happy. Why are the WDM drivers better? Should I switch? Thanks.
  16. Mark W

    Problems w/ Madden 2001

    Have you updated the game? I think on first install, it didn't work under win2k, but the update fixed it.
  17. Mark W

    Madden 2001

    I do have at least one patch installed b/c it wouldn't run under w2k without it. I don't recall ever trying to minimize it and then bring it back. I'll try it later if I get the chance and let you know.
  18. Mark W

    Madden 2001

    I have had it for a few weeks and not experienced any random crashes. I have only played about half dozen games or so.
  19. Mark W

    NHL 2001 - Quick game only, no tournament mode

    I got that "Insert CD into VID" error aftera bad install. Try reinstalling the game. After the main installation, there are a few additional parts (EA Update, Online gaming, directx...). Make sure all finishish properly.
  20. Mark W

    NHL 2001 - Quick game only, no tournament mode

    Oooops. Darn DP. [This message has been edited by Mark W (edited 06 October 2000).]
  21. Mark W

    NHL 2001 - Quick game only, no tournament mode

    I just had a thought... Is there a correlation between the patch/fix working and whether or not you have run the EA update? I have run the update and the patch did not work. Has anybody got it to work after running the update? Do people that have not run update also have problems with the patch/fix? Just a stab in the dark...
  22. Mark W

    NHL 2001 - Quick game only, no tournament mode

    I too get the error. This is getting depressing. Does anybody know what causes the error and if someone can write a similar patch avoiding the error?
  23. Mark W

    NHL 2001 Demo

    I've played 3 full games w/ no problems. I'll play some more and let you know what happens. P3700@840 V3 3000 SB Live Value 192 MB pc133 ...
  24. Mark W

    Voodoo 2 in Me

    I have an old system I threw together for my kids. I'm trying to get an old Diamond Monster II (voodoo 2) working properly under Me. The 3dfx 9x reference drivers seemed to cause problems and I never did manage to get them to work properly. The older Diamond drivers were a little better but still unable to pass the dxdiag tests. Does anybody have a V2 working properly under Me? System is a (don't laugh - its for my kids!) P200, S3 Trio 64, SB16, Linksys nic. Thanks.