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About xwifex

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  1. xwifex

    Please read!!!!!!!!!

    this is a hoax, forgot i posted this on board, thanks
  2. xwifex

    modem transfer data......

    Say anyone check out this link and tell me if they have heard of it, and if its a joke, thanks voodoo, if so could be of some use to us, later http://www.realstore.com/offers/tweakdun3.html thanks ....
  3. xwifex

    win 2000, win millenium

    same build as well
  4. xwifex

    win 2000, win millenium

    I dont know, I have been hearing alot about this windows millenium and its release in late may, I just read it on win2k box , site.I just dont get it, there saying win 2000 pro is srictly for business and millenium is for the "individual" or in my opinion the home user, others are calling it the gaming operating system. Right now im using win 2000 pro voodoo3 3000 SRICTLY for games and sometimes ill swich over to do business. You could not ask for a more stable system than the one i have. Fortunately for me it was free;[hehehehe] but for someone who shells out billsd for it and finds out this nonsence might be pissed, But why did MS do it is my question? Probably just to make a buck. Just my opinion on this and for all you people who think its not a good idea to use win 2000 for gaming, Im living proof YOUR WRONG>. anyone fell free to comment on this, because im juat a curious freak!!!! later
  5. xwifex

    Please read!!!!!!!!!

    THOUGHT YOU ALL SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS............... Subject: Fwd: Congress to allow email charges Dear Friends and Family - Please pass this on to all you know since many of us use e-mail for business and to keep up with friends and family, I thought you'd like to know the following. Please jump on it right away and forward this to others. CNN has reported that within the next two weeks Congress is going to vote on allowing telephone companies to CHARGE A TOLL FEE for internet access. Translation: Every time we send long distance e-mail we will receive a long distance charge. This will get costly. Please visit the following web site and file a complaint. Complain to your Congressperson. We can't allow this to pass. The following address will allow you to send an e-mail on this subject DIRECTLY to your Congressperson. http://www.house.gov/writerep Pass this on to your friends. It is urgent! I hope all of you will pass this on to all your friends and family. We should ALL have an interest in this one. WAIT, THERE'S MORE. IN ADDITION, The last few months have revealed an alarming trend in the Government of the United States attempting to quietly push through legislation that will affect your use of the Internet. Under proposed legislation the U.S. Postal Service will be attempting to bill email users out of "alternate postage fees". Bill 602P will permit the Federal Govt. to charge a 5 cent surcharge on every email delivered, by billing Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would then be billed in turn by the ISP. Washington D.C. lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to prevent this legislation from becoming law. The U.S. Postal Service is claiming that lost revenue due to the proliferation of email is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may have noticed their recent ad campaign "There is nothing like a letter". Since the average citizen received about 10 pieces of email per day in 1998, the cost to the typical individual would be an additional 50 cents per day, or over $180 dollars Per year, above and beyond their regular Internet costs. Note that this would be money paid directly to the U.S. Postal Service for a service they do not even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy and non-interference. If the federal government is permitted to tamper with our liberties by adding a surcharge to email, who knows Where it will end. You are already paying an exorbitant price for snail mail because of bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days for a letter to be delivered from New York to Buffalo. If The U.S. Postal Service is allowed to tinker with email; it will mark the end of the "free" Internet in the United States. One congressman, Tony Schnell has even suggested a "twenty to forty dollar per month surcharge on all internet service" above and beyond the government's proposed email Charges. Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored the story, the only exception being the Washingtonian which called the idea of email surcharge "a useful concept who's time has come" (March 6, 1999) Editorial. Don't sit by and watch your freedoms erode away! Send this e-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends and relatives to write to their congressman and say "No!" to Bill 602P. It will only take a few moments of your time, and could very well be instrumental in killing a bill we don't want. PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO USES EMAIL REMEMBER THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE ISSUES THAT EFFECT ALL OF US ONLINE. LET YOU VOICE BE HEARD NOW, NOT AFTER
  6. xwifex

    win 2000 pro, voodoo3 3000?

    Is anyone using voodoo3 3000 , win 2000 pro and know what drivers to use, or at least know some that will work? thanks