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About FuSoYaFF2

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  1. FuSoYaFF2

    Gravis Gamepad Xterminator???

    Has anybody been able to get the Gravis Xterminator gamepad working with W2k?? The control panel cannot detect it at all and even when I use the resolver program, the Gravis software is still yelling at me for not using Win95.
  2. FuSoYaFF2

    HELP! Access problems

    I installed Win2000 Pro final last night, and everything seemed to be running fine until I sat down at my computer this afternoon. When I try to load ANYTHING from the start menu, I am getting a message "Unable to run this command" and when I try to open somethin from the control panel, I am getting the message "Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied". The only way that I can run anything is thru the run menu. I am logged in as "administrator" so I don't understand how it could be a permissions problem, so what can I do to fix this??