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About seb

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  1. seb

    Virtual COM Ports?

    see also http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/backgrnd/html/ircomm.htm#ircomm_novirtserports that makes it really clear unfortunately seb
  2. seb

    Virtual COM Ports?

    THERE IS NO SUPPORT FOR VIRTUAL COM PORTS IN W2K! a friend of mine, who had the same problem, send me this mail: "Microsofts reason not to support IRCOMM is, that you cannot use more than one device with this option activated and the infrared port would be locked to one paticular device. But I think they should give the user the joice. Because most IRDA applications (and very usefull ones !) do need IRCOMM. FInaly they come with a professional OS which is laso fit for the mobile user and you get this major obstruction. I will roll back to NT4 and use the IR Stack from www.extendsys.com as my palm and my cellphone modem rely on the implementation of IRCOMM and i need a save environment because my machine contains semi confident data. (Patients database). It is a shame for MS not to implement a basic feature required by many people in an OS wich names itself 2000 (and not 1968)" see also http://msdn.microsoft.com/standards/top150/hardware.asp seb