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About r0cko

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  2. r0cko

    Baldur's Gate 2, Napster, and Win2k trouble

    wanna hot ***0r me Amber?
  3. r0cko

    Logitech Mouse drivers

    fixed it by reinstalling the inf and selecting the mouse i have from the hardware list. f u c k i n g piece of s h i t.
  4. r0cko

    Logitech Mouse drivers

    after upgrading from 9.0 to 9.24 the mouse software acts as only there are 2 buttons when it is really a 3 button mouse. I've uninstalled the 9.24 drivers and reinstalled the 9.0 drivers and it still is ****ed up. It only works without any of the logitech software installed. And the mouse controls feel real ****ed up. any ideas ?
  5. r0cko

    The best Defrag-Program?!

    anyone know where i can get diskeeper 6.0? ICQ me thanks
  6. r0cko

    SCSI problems please help

    http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q198/8/59.asp does that seem like the right answer? Since the replacement adaptec card should be here in a week should I bother with all that trying to get win2k to work with my fireport40 card?
  7. r0cko

    SCSI problems please help

    This is the second time I tried to flash update my second adaptec 2940U2W SCSI card's BIOS and it failed both times and now the PC wont boot with the card in the computer. I have to take it out for the PC to boot. But my real problem is when i put in my fireport40 SCSI card and try to boot up windows 2000 says inaccesiable boot device BSOD. The last time this exact same thing happened i just reinstall win2k this i cant do that becuase i will lose important information on my HD any ideas? How can i get win2k to work with the new SCSI card without formating and reinstalling??? Any and all help greatly appreciated.
  8. r0cko


    you came up with the idea so why dont you do it and post the channel here. that is unless there is already a channel set up and i dont know about it.
  9. r0cko

    Guillemot Force Feedback Wheel?

    **** my bad thought you said logitech http://www.wingmanteam.com/3_60_release/beta/beta.htm [This message has been edited by r0cko (edited 02 June 2000).]
  10. r0cko

    Detonator 5.17

    Im still using the 3.81 drivers cause every 5.xx locks up even the new 5.17.
  11. r0cko

    A stable MoBo?

    copper viper and i have the same mainboard aopen pro gold works great.
  12. r0cko

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    well you are ignorant because MS makes everything avaliable on CD you have to order it. think you can handle that?
  13. r0cko

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    argue with MS they are the people who say that. win2k is a big business OS not for poor people on 56k modems.
  14. r0cko

    Overclocking TNT2

    coolbits in the 5.x drivers work but the 5.x drivers lock up. I want to overclock but i dont want to install powerstrip and the 5.x drivers lock up. anyone else have any ideas?
  15. r0cko

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    people with 56k modems arent supposed to be useing win2k. You should use win9x.