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Everything posted by BeTa2K

  1. BeTa2K

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: Originally posted by jdulmage: ....Some games don't work, hardware doesn't work, BSOD, illegal operations, sudden changes in the OS.... Games- This is a business OS. Be thankful that Win2K has full directx/opengl support. All of my games work in Win2K btw. Hardware- And who's to blame? The hardware companies for not developing drivers. Windows 9x also started this way. Linux started this way. All Operating systems started this way. It takes time. Illegal Operations- I don't know about the other's, but I've never seen an 'illegal operation'. Though, some 3rd party software freezes. and or random reboots due to video drivers. I think I would get constant crashes if I install Windows NT software on a Windows9x system too. Some people think they can treat a business like a gaming OS where it'll run anything you want. MS expects people to install software that is compatible and know how to resolve conflicts. A business typically having a skilled computer technician or administrator. Windows 2000 can achieve everything Windows 9x can do and surpass it in some areas. Also, may I remind you that this forum is based on a large majority of beta testers who also test beta hardware drivers, Windows9x games, applications and everything you can think of.
  2. Well, it isn't that simple. If your going to play todays new games, it'll require a high-end 3d accelerator with a good amount of onboard memory. Try playing Quake 3 on your generic svga card...if it's even possible. Thus, the reason why people including myself pay $150+ for a video card.
  3. Hey, there was a time when people b*tched about lack of choice in operating systems. Now looky here, b*tching about too many operating systems to choose from. *Sigh* This comes into mind: 'You get what you wish for...'
  4. BeTa2K

    Win2k Scanner

    Quote: Originally posted by Caelth: I recommend you EPSON Perfection 610. It's the USB scanner with great image reproduction. It sells for approx 9. The Win2K drivers are on EPSON's UK site. How do the drivers work? Do they allow custom dpi/size/etc settings?
  5. BeTa2K

    Best Supported Scanner?

    Anyone know of a scanner that is fully supported in Win2K? In other words, a scanner with twain drivers that allow resizing/selective resolution at which you can scan at. Preferably a price range between $189-$269. Thanks.
  6. BeTa2K

    Burning in win2k

    I ran into some problems trying to copy a cd off my IDE 16x cdrom. I've done this several times, but recently within Cdrwin, it gives me a "buffer underun". Now, that's a bit odd, meaning my cdrom isn't fast enough to transport data to my scsi Teac 6x cdr?? What's up with that? I've tried this 4 times and got 4 coasters. That is, four coasters with "test only" enabled. Pissed me off. Could some explain why this happens? I had nothing running within the background, all I did is recently updgrade to the latest version of Cdrwin. This gave me the same error in both Win2K and Win95. I burned files off my hdd aok with Cdrwin though. Weird, wacky, stuff. =/ ------------------ -BeTa2K [This message has been edited by BeTa2K (edited 24 December 1999).]
  7. BeTa2K

    Burning in win2k

    Latest version of Cdrwin always worked for me. ------------------ -BeTa2K
  8. BeTa2K

    OutLook Express

    You can try the "repair" option within Windows 2000 installation setup. It should restore OE to it's functional state.
  9. http://www.viewsonic.com/PROD/DATASHTS/P817.HTM The Xtreme Monitor™ is for those who demand the ultimate in a 21" (20.0" viewable) display! For the imaging, CAD/CAM and graphics professionals who require the highest resolutions (2,048 x 1,536) and fastest refresh rates (up to 180Hz), the ViewSonic P817 is a quantum leap over anything in the market today. With a remarkable video input bandwidth of 360MHz, this monitor keeps pace with the fastest graphics cards available and delivers a greatly enhanced screen performance. It also boasts a four-port Universal Serial Bus (USB) hub to simultaneously run USB compatible peripherals and Host On Screen™ software which allows users running Windows® 98 to adjust screen images via their keyboard and mouse. ------------------ -BeTa2K
  10. BeTa2K

    Let's face it

    >>>Windows 2000 or Windows Millennium will hit the market with bugs. YOU ALL KNOW THAT Tell me an OS that doesn't have bugs. ------------------ -BeTa2K
  11. BeTa2K

    Photoshop out of memory

    Error "...not enough memory (RAM)..." When Starting Photoshop 5.0.x in Windows NT 4.0 Issue When you start Adobe Photoshop 5.0.x in Windows NT 4.0, Windows returns the error, "Not enough memory (RAM) to launch Photoshop" or "There is not enough memory (RAM) for launching." Solution Make sure the virtual memory paging file is on a hard disk partition with available space beyond the maximum size of the paging file. Also, set the Initial Size of the paging file equal to your computer's installed RAM plus 12 MB and the Maximum Size to twice the size of your computer's installed RAM: 1. Exit from all applications. 2. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel, then double-click System. 3. Write down the amount of RAM listed on the last line on the right side of the dialog box. 4. Click the Performance tab. 5. In the Virtual Memory section, click Change. 6. In the top section of the Virtual Memory dialog box, select each hard disk partition that contains paging files and write down the Space Available under Paging File Size for Selected Drive. 7. Optimize your paging files by doing one or more of the following: - For each paging file, enter a value in the Initial Size (MB) box equal to the amount of your computer's installed RAM plus 12 MB, and a value in the Maximum Size (MB) box equal to twice the amount of your computer's installed RAM. If you run other memory-intensive applications, you might need to increase the maximum amount for one paging file within the limits of your free hard disk space. Experiment with settings, or contact the manufacturers of you other applications' for their virtual memory requirements. Click Set, then click OK. - If you have one paging file on a hard disk with little available space beyond the maximum size of the paging file, create more space on that hard disk, move the paging file to a hard disk with more open space on it, or reduce the maximum size of the paging file and create another paging file on another hard disk with more free space. - If you already have several paging files on different hard disks, one of the paging files needs more space than it currently has. Eliminate the paging files on all disks except the one with the most free space. Or, keep more than one paging file, but eliminate those on the disk with less free space. NOTE: For best performance, choose a different hard disk than those used for the Photoshop scratch disks or adjust Photoshop's scratch disk locations (see Additional Information for details) after you change Windows' virtual memory. To remove a paging file: 1. Select a disk that contains a paging file you wish to remove. 2. Delete the number in the Initial Size (MB) box. 3. Delete the number in the Maximum Size (MB) box. 4. Click Set, then click OK. 5. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box. 6. Restart Windows by clicking Yes in the System Settings Change dialog box. Additional Information A paging file is the space Windows NT uses for virtual memory. When the amount of space given to Windows NT paging files is too low, Photoshop will not start. Assigning a paging file to a hard disk partition with just enough space to hold the paging file at its maximum amount might also cause an error to occur. To change Photoshop's scratch disk settings, choose File > Preferences > Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks. For the primary scratch disk, specify a hard disk partition that has free disk space equal to at least three to five times the file size of the image (or at least ten times the size of bitmap mode images) and then specify a second, third, and fourth scratch disk if your hard disk has enough free space. Each disk you choose must be different than the disk you select for Windows paging file. Photoshop uses a scratch disk file (i.e., temporary disk space used for storing data and performing computations) when there is insufficient RAM for image editing. Although the scratch disk files have a limit of 2 GB each, Photoshop 5.0.x can write as many scratch disks per partition as there is free disk space: If you have 5 GB of free disk space on an unpartitioned hard disk, and all scratch disks are assigned to it, Photoshop 5.0.x can use up to 5 GB of space in three scratch disk files (2 GB, 2 GB, and 1 GB). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -BeTa2K
  12. BeTa2K

    Photoshop out of memory

    Did you have any background applications running? Check taskmgr.exe and see if you have enough avaliable memory. Also, try up'ing the vitual memory and reboot. Btw, the latest Photoshop 5.5 may be incompatible. I have use Photoshop 5.01 without problems ------------------ -BeTa2K
  13. BeTa2K

    Several program crashers on RC3 - why?

    Seems like you installed a program that doesn't agree with Win2K. I advise you to uninstall any program prior to this problem and see if it goes away. If it does, investigate and report this problem to the third party company for future patches and or releases. For iexplorer crashing, did you install a 3rd party plugin for IE? Btw, what's hh.exe ?? Quote: Originally posted by wilhelm on 12-19-1999 03:35 PM Hi, After installing RC3 als Clean Install I got the following program crashes: - The application, hh.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:57:44.271 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75AF2128 (<nosymbols> ) - The application, iexplore.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:44:45.541 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75B45A01 (<nosymbols> ) In addition the event viewer showed the following errors: - WMI ADAP failed to connect to namespace \.\root\cimv2\MS_407 with the following error: 0x8004100e - Unable to read IO control information from NBT device. Any ideas to solve these problems. I am running WIN98SE/WIN2K as multiboot configuration whereas WIN98SE is located on c:\ and WIN2K on d:\. In WIN98SE I did not experienced any of these problems. Please help. wilhelm