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Everything posted by EoRaptor

  1. EoRaptor

    SB Live Platinum/Player 5.1 Windows 2000 Drivers

    Creative posted these as new, but unpack them, and they are bit-wise identical to the previous SBL51 update, which creative put out months back. Oh well...
  2. EoRaptor

    2 Questions: ACPI and AGP

    Just 2 quick questions. I installed 2195.1, but it doesn't seem to have used my ACPI bios, instead falling back on my PnP bios. Is there anythign I had to do during setup to enable it? (Under 98 you have to use a command line switch) ACPI works fine for me under 98SE on my BH6. Running DXDiag on my Rage 128, I see that AGP is disabled, and under device manager, it reports my card as being on PCI bus 1. Is there anything I missed here? Or is it a limitation of the drivers that ship with 2000? (I hate microsoft mouse drivers, no pixel precision at all, argh! Please, Logitech, update your drivers with 2k support.. )
  3. EoRaptor

    2 Questions: ACPI and AGP

    Argh.. That means I get to waste an IRQ under 2k till I scrap 98SE. I wonder if Abit could fix it witha bios update... I already know ATi's policy on new drivers, but I don't trust them. Their 98 and NT drivers for the Rage128 have been a joke, and I doubt their 2k drivers will be out for another 6 months, and probably won't work even then. The mouse is a Genuine Microsoft Intellimouse PS/2. The main problem I have is the fact that if I increase the "Motion" setting anywhere towards fast, the mouse loses it's accuracy. (it cannot be moved less than 3 or 4 pixels, in effect, jumping around on the screen, no matter how tiny the movements I make physicaly). Under 98, the Intellipoint 3 software did the same thing, but the Logitech Mouseware drivers did not, so I was happily using them. Thus my gripe about bad Microsoft mouse drivers, and the hope that logitech releases 2k mouse drivers, because there's work, and MS's don't.
  4. EoRaptor

    2 Questions: ACPI and AGP

    I'm not sure what you mean by full ACPI. You can enable it in the BIOS, and using the 'setup /p j' option on 98SE works just fine. That's why i wondered about 2k not doing it. Oh well, one can hope that ATi will actually write working drivers for 2k, but there track record for the Rage128 is abysmal, so i'm not hopefull. (The mouse driver was just a gripe, they have the worst series of drivers, if you crank the mouse pointer acceleration up on their drivers, the mouse stair steps all the time, whereas the same setting on the logitech drivers for 9x don't do it, even on identcial hardware. This makes programs like pshop useless using the microsoft mouse drivers. The mouse itself is a ps/2 intellipoint wheel)